Well, that comes as a surprise. Looks like I’m doing fairly well according to some evil cults and other devil worshipers. I’ll be happy once that passes and we get to 8,888 hits thank you very much. Thanks everyone for the support! I’m glad I am able to interest you with my articles and my work!
6,666 hits
About the Author: radiantdreamer
I create stuff in my mind, and try to barf it out onto tangible mediums such as Photoshop, and video game art. Sometimes, I get paid to do it because I'm a freelance artist working in the video games industry.
Getting paid to do what I love (video games, and art) is my dream come true!
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Congrats! XD
congrats 🙂
Haha nice numbers ~ Cheers
hahaha the devil’s coming to get ya XD