My dearest readers,
I’d like to start by apologizing for the complete lack of updates before my site atrophies. It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve blogged, leaving my previous blog post to sort of “age” like fine wine. It doesn’t take much to smell the waft of richness considering how old those anime series are anyway. Vintage indeed.
I’ve been busy. That much is obvious. But if you’re one of my facebook fans, you’ll note that I have been at least updating you regularly on some of the more relevant happenings in my life.
So I’ve become painfully aware that I’m not doing as much art as I want to partly because of my blogging and vlogging life. I’ve again painted myself into that corner of “regular updates” with weekly youtube videos and weekly (time-consuming) blog posts.
I originally did the weekly youtube videos to encourage me to draw more, but with it came a price I didn’t foresee – completing my artwork. Sometimes, my art isn’t the most presentable, and yet I feel it’s my obligation to complete it and at least show something to my fans. I love to share, after all, whether my art is good or not.
Unfortunately, this also meant I had less time to actually improve my art. IE doing countless sketches and studies for the purpose of practice rather than practicality. I need to practice what I preach.
I’ve been looking at my youtube statistics, and this loligoth video is STILL my most viewed video after so many years. If you google loligoth, this youtube video shows up. It has more views than even Kamdia’s popular (and incredible) video. Combined with part 2 and 3 of this loligoth video, that’s over 101,000 views.
Applying the 80/20 rule, 20% of my videos are generating 80% of the views. This means that I should be releasing more artwork to the quality of my loligoth video, and less “crap” videos. I need to review my artwork again and try to achieve the same level of results in my artwork that I did before. I’ve sort of let myself slip.
It’s weird, I’ve improved in my artwork, yet I haven’t. Do you know what I mean? If you’ve been following me for this long, then you might.
So I’ve decided to switch gears. Blog posts will come irregularly, maybe more than once a week, maybe less. Which means if you don’t subscribe to my RSS, or follow me on facebook, you won’t know when I update. I won’t mind if you come visit my site everyday though. 🙂
If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that I sometimes switch gears like this. I think that this is necessary for my own sanity. I hope you’ll understand, my dear friends.
I’ve noticed from watching my other blogger friends that many of them have either fallen out of their regular scheduled posting, or even worse, fallen off the blogosphere entirely. I’m not about to let that happen with my blog. My blog has become an extension of my life. An outlet for me to share my emotions, my views, and most importantly, my passion for art. That last point seems to be something I had forgotten along the way.
So I’ll still be posting. To many, it won’t seem like much has changed. For others, they’ll notice some differences. I’ll see you guys next time I post.
PS – Before I go, I’d like to give a shout out to those that have been the most cherishing, closest and supporting friends. I’ve changed the Top Commentators settings to show the top ten commentators of all time. Some of them have been with me since day one, some have brought great discussions to my topics and picked my brains, and most have supported me and encouraged me through tough times. These people deserve your time just as much as they have given their time to me. Go visit their blogs!
life goes on 🙂
Awww, Radiant~
You’ve inspired me at least to keep at my art.
It’s slowly improving, bit by bit.
Wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors, and I’m looking forward to future updates!
Thanks Ovada. It makes me pretty happy to know that I am an inspiration to some people, especially to good friends. 🙂
I’ve only recently started following you, but hey – we all fall into a bit of a pit when it comes to blogging and regularly updating.
Sometimes you just need to take a break from making it a chore, otherwise you lose the passion for it. (Or at least, that’s my excuse. And I only really update once every few weeks on a whim)
(So you’re doing better than I am. :P)
Yeah, this isn’t the first time I’ve gone through this. I think that along the way, some of my readers “drop off” to do other things too, and while some come back, some don’t. That’s still okay though, because it seems I’m always making new friends along the way, and inspiring new people.
You’re right. Passion can be lost if one keeps doing the same thing too often. A bit of a break may bring me some inspiration too. 🙂
I think most bloggers go through it sooner or later. It;’s either we have other commitments or just suffering from blogging burnout. There’s wrong with taking a short break, and to be honest I prefer small short regular updates than waiting at the doorstep for that huge post (not that there’s anything wrong with with them). God that the loligoth songs you used (especially the first one) is addictive. Need to track it down now ;_;
You actually make a good point, and one that I will take to heart. I’ve noticed that my blog posts are getting exceptionally long, and I can’t say I like that. I’ve gotten too wordy over the years and take too long to get to the point. ^^;
At the same time, I think I’ve gotten better with my writing skills because of it! ^^;
Ah sorry for the double post but forgot to mentioned. I believe blogging (to me, cause I don’t do anything commercial, but for you might be a different story but the principles can also apply i guess) is that blogging should be for oneself and oneself only. Although we enjoy others checking out what we are up to or what we do, essentially its still for our own benefit to log down our own thoughts, daily activities and what not, generally for our own benefit and enjoyment. When we forget the initial purpose and/or stray away from it we start to lose track what our blog was originally intended for. Yeah but that’s just my 2 cents.
Anyway, your blog is always such interesting read, pretty much every other post for majority of blogs either have been done before, covered or its just their own rendition of a topic that has been done before. I only wish i could draw on an amatuer or semi-professional level so i could appreciate the wonders of drawing more but nonetheless i still enjoy watching you’re speed post videos. I believe in quality posts not quantity posts so waiting for that weekly or fortnightly post is worth it too.
Sorry my my comment made no sense, just woke >.<
Your comments make perfect sense to me. (either that, or I just managed to gather my own interpretation of it).
I’m glad you enjoy reading my blog, even though sometimes I feel it’s a hit or miss. I try to create topics from my mind rather than just re-hash what others are doing. I believe that sharing your own experiences and jotting down your own thoughts and ideas is what makes a blog unique – because then it comes from you and not sourced from someone else.
*whew* Halfway through your post, I was beginning to think that you were going to hang up your coat. Sometimes everyone needs to take a break from the usual so they don’t tire themselves out. I’m glad to hear that you’ll still be keeping us updated, even if those updates come irregularly.
Nopy, if I were to hang up my coat, I would definitely miss you, very very much. I know this has happened before so it’s not a huge deal. ^^; I apologize if the first part of the post seemed like I was calling it quits. It was not deliberate. <3
You’ve got to take life as it comes! I know I haven’t been following you for very long, but your always coming up with something interesting to present to your followers! Can’t wait to see what you’ll produce next!
Thanks neorecon! I appreciate your support, a lot of the reason being that you’re very genuine. That means a lot to me. 🙂
It’s fine. There are times people just get busy. I’ve been occupied so much that I couldn’t do as much anime drawing like I have before. It’s fine to take your time to improve your art, we definitely would be interested to see how far you take your next level of art too and even learn more from you.
I can’t say I have been following you as long as others. (Started actually because of the loligoth video and that old display of your figures post actually.)
But each of your posts were thought inducing at times while entertaining at others. Like how I was excited the whole way watching you draw Noel and hoping you would win as well myself, and the joy of having the author you like to read on winning felt like winning yourself as well.
Quality > Quantity. We don’t mind the wait, love this blog. 😀
Oh now the pressure is on! I’d better get good, so as not to disappoint!
Though you haven’t been following me as long as the others, you’ve definitely been following me for a good while. So I appreciate it. Thanks for the continued support. I will definitely do my best.
I find this interesting that you have to shake things up every now and then. I find myself to be the opposite, if I want to stick with something I need to make it into a routine.
Still, makes me happy that you would rather try to have a different approach that just give up all together. It’s a shame that so many of the bloggers I aspired to follow or inspired me have pretty much disappeared of the map. Although I do like the more close knit group of bloggers nowadays.
I find myself unable to stick to a routine. I get bored easily, or suddenly don’t get as motivated. I like to focus my energy on one thing for a while to get good at it, and then move on to something else. I just have trouble finishing. ^^;
I’ve invested a lot of time into RadiantDreamer, so it’s not something that I would give up easily without very good reason. ^^
I’m liking the tighter knit community now too. It’s like people have fallen into their own cliques of regulars, and have pushed away from the noise of the mainstream. It feels good. 🙂
welcome back,I’ve been waiting for your blogs 😀
Oh~ i’ll be anticipating your next Blog 😀
i’m also a reader in your FB account so i thought you’ve
switch in FB before blogging here.
anyway it’s good to hear that you’ll be continuing
to share us your knowledge and experience.
Good luck 😀
haha you noticed eh? I often see you commenting/liking my FB posts, so I appreciate it. 😀
You’ll most likely see the same frequency of updates on my Facebook page, so it’s all good. 😀
I was wondering where you went, but i guess its alright, ive been pretty busy myself lately, i think we all come to this point where, at some point you have time to kill or then none =/
Unfortunatly i dont have facebook so i wont be able to check updates hehe but ye ill try my best to check here for your post as much as possible ^^
good to see you around!
It has been a couple of weeks now hasn’t it? I noticed that you’re taking a little bit of a breather as well, which is good. 🙂
I know some people are against facebook, which is fine. That’s why there’s the option of RSS too. I was going to set up a mailing list for those that want to receive updates via email instead, but I’ve gotten lazy haha. Plus it costs money, which I don’t have much of right now. ^^;’s n-not like I’ll miss your posts or a-anything l-l-like tha..that!
Your comment is epic win.
agreed XD
Cheers buddy :), it’s perfectly fine to take a hiatus from certain avenues to better others. I personally was afraid that something bad happened to you for quite awhile–boy am I glad I was wrong! You’re far too inspirational for that to happen!
I can agree with you about the whole quality over quantity. It’s unfortunate that by focusing on just getting something done each week for both areas sometimes quality suffered. That’s purely understandable though. Take as much time as you need, I’ll still be around both here and on Youtube much as I’m sure many others will ;).
I’m not sure what else to add other than, keep it up! We’ll all be here supporting you and waiting for your next post in anticipation :). I kinda like the whole unpredictable aspect to new uploads/posts, makes it more like a surprise every time.
As always take care, my friend, and Ganbatte! Until next time,
Hmm… if something bad were to happen to me… I think I should get someone to help me post a message on the blog if something were to ever happen to me. I don’t want to leave my readers hanging after all. Maybe I’ll do something like L, and when a timer is allowed to drop to zero, it will automatically post “L is DEAD”. lol
Thanks for the encouragement. Cheers!
We need to find you a personal assistant!
lol I looked into that, actually. They’re not cheap!
Haha, subtitle seems a bit random. Random is good though once in awhile…
Just wanna let you know that you were what inspired me to even start up my own blog. Before I was under the impression that blogs were really just for yourself and that you should write whatever the hell you want, because…well, it’s your blog. But I can see from your postings that you strive to provide something different, and not entirely for yourself. It may be self-serving to a degree, as blogging tends to be for anybody, but I feel like you also take it to a level where you’re genuinely thinking about what your community may be interested in and what it is you can offer them.
I’m still contemplating what exactly it is I want to do with my blog, but I still haven’t quite touched on what is truly meaningful to me yet… which is why I haven’t really done much with it. But it’s simply a hobby for me though maybe one day I can make it a more ‘serious’ extension of myself, as you have done.
Keep doing what it is you’re doing, you can never go wrong following your heart and gut instinct – continue inspiring others to follow that as well.
wow, I was kinda suspicious whether or not I was the one that got you into blogging, since you did say that it seemed very time consuming and all, but you were on the fence about it.
The ideas are still my own, but you’re right, I try to keep my readers in mind when I write too. Sometimes, I find that my ideas are a bit far-off, and have to “reel” them in a bit to keep them in the realm of what my readers are interested in.
It takes time to figure out “what you’re about” for your blog. It’s like finding your own identity. I don’t think I really found my own identity until I fell into a depressive state about my blog and really thought hard about what I wanted from it. I think I solidified it when I wrote the “Vision” and got rid of “About”. I think the about section doesn’t really define enough, since people usually just write who they are, and what their interests are. Maybe if you write your “vision”, you’ll know.
Thanks for the support. 🙂
I’ve only started following you late last year so I’m not really aware of what it was like before that.
But yes, you shouldn’t feel obligated to have very regular updates. I’m sure your readers appreciate the time it takes to churn out something good so don’t stress out. 😀 Have a break,(have a Kit Kat)!
I look forward to your next update!
Well, the archive is there for you to read and catch up on “who is Radiant”. You’ll probably learn a lot about me that you never knew about before. ^^;
lol kit kat. :3
“I’ve noticed from watching my other blogger friends that many of them have either fallen out of their regular scheduled posting, or even worse, fallen off the blogosphere entirely. ”
I am so guilty of that. D=
dude!! D:
It’s never easy to balance blogging with the stuff you really think you should be doing when you get too deep! I’m lucky in that I use my blog as a little motivation to actually get my models done when I think that I need to write a post on my blog every week. It’s quite handy, esp in that lull between projects!
I’ve seen quite a few bloggers fall by the wayside as well. Some only wrote infrequently so it’s almost expected but when a more prolific writer packs up then it can really hit you!
But at least it’s not like you’re giving up on blogging entirely and if you’re focusing more on drawing then you’ll have plenty of stuff to blog about even if it’s not as frequent! Incidentally, if you’re getting back into drawing and think you’re up to it, let me know if you’re still interested in that little request I made a short while ago regarding BB.
Hey thanks for writing, and for still sticking beside me all this time. It’s interesting how selling you an artbook blossomed into a friendship. 🙂
I totally understand the feeling when a prolific blogger just packs up. It’s like something is suddenly missing. Like getting dumped by a girlfriend (well, maybe not quite so bad, but same idea). That’s why I’ve sort of vowed to continue blogging so long as people continue to read… or at least to not hang my readers out to dry.
Even though there are very real reasons for a blogger to leave, I do think that it’s the blogger’s responsibility to bow before the curtains fall. Otherwise, it’s being selfish.
I actually am still up for the BB commission. I’m sorry I haven’t had the opportunity to bring it up to you since we last talked about it. I’ll email you soon in regards to this.
LOL, yeah. Really weird how that turned out! From casual acquaintances at to online friends through the power of a single sale!! The book is awesome tho!
I have to agree about the method of departure for bloggers though. I’d rather see them do a last post simply saying “game over” rather than just seeing the blog left without updates for a long time and for the reader to draw his own conclusions.
Take your time with regards to the commission. I’m not too fussed right now cos it hasn’t started. Once it has tho, expect me to keep popping up like an annoying itch that you can’t quite reach!! ^_^
*high five*
Kodomut comes to mind right at the moment… he hasn’t updated in like, FOREVER. And not a word on why. I’m assuming it’s because of Monster Hunter 3 lol.
I guess leaving it open is somewhat good, because there is likelihood of returning…? I think it’s better to just say “going on long hiatus.” if that’s the case. Otherwise people simply will get tired of checking your site and not seeing updates and just leave forever.
I’m glad we got the ball rolling again. 🙂
Yo!! Man, long time no see. I mean your updates at here. = =
But seem you are more active at FB, so I guess that you are still in green.
Now you are mentioned, I also don’t update much on my blog recently, don’t even logged in for 3-4 weeks. But never mind, my blog just act like decoration, that’s all. I think. = =
HEY!!!I found out that I have shared the same personalities as you, just not very concern on food as the way to boost up the passion (or mood???)
Just don’t worry, sometimes you don’t have ideas to blog, sometimes suddenly wanted to write many many post, these are the fun of blogging, don’t you think???
p/s: Let see this time your site will eat up how many of my lines >< (12 lines comment)
I’m always active somewhere. 🙂 That’s why it’s important to subscribe to the RSS and youtube channel, follow me on twitter, and be a facebook fan.
Looks like the site didn’t eat up all your comments this time!
Actually you don’t need to tell me over and over on same things. = =
Facebook fan??? Check
Twitter??? Check
RSS??? Haven’t
Youtube??? Check but recently didn’t login at all
You are most active at Facebook followed up by youtube and then twitter. Based on my observation. ^^
It quite disappointed for me as I can’t be the special one anymore. LOL = =
I try to be active based on the time that’s most convenient to me. Recently it has been facebook. I try to save the higher-quality, higher-level discussion stuff for my blog, interesting things for facebook, regular chit-chat and PR on twitter, and of course, drawing diary on youtube.
All in all, it’s important for my readers to follow all of these because I post very different content on each.
Seems like bloggers are disappearing left and right. Let’s both stay around for a while longer. ^ ^
Anyway, lovely video and art as always!
yakusoku! ^_^
The video is actually very old now lol.
I need to check out all your vids some time. Btw. I just realized it’s the pretty girl in your banner. ^ ^
really? I thought you were more observant than that, Yi! ^^
I’m glad that you have decided to say something before you actually ‘disappear’ off the blogging radar for a while. I think a lot of bloggers go through this phase of having a break once in a while… and as many of the comments here have already stated, quality is definitely better over quantity so don’t stress yourself over producing new blog posts. As usual, we’ll be looking out for anything new and support you all the way =)
Also, I’m quite flattered to actually make it to the top commentators list ^^ thank you so much for that honor! I hope to see your newer posts soon enough (and maybe actually catch you on skype/twitter one of these days) =)
Hey thanks ninjovee. It’s most important to me that friends like you exist. You guys support me more than my own family lol!
And it’s not me that put you on the top commentators list. It’s you. That list is auto-generated. 🙂
you’re still awesome
Hey man, we had a brief chat about this, but didn’t get to leave a comment here until now.
I must say I really have no idea that I have left that many comments already in the first place until you told me. Quite a shock really, but flattered by your compliment.
Things come and go, as with the phrase “everything that has a beginning has an end”. There was quite a boom of blogs a few years ago, around the time when I (re)started blogging too, so I’d admit that I am part of that boom as well during the so-called “DC era”. If you want to put it negatively it’s still one of the things that people follow when it’s hot, and over time we witness more and more blogs disappearing, many simply faded away without a word.
But then keeping up with blogging is not easy I have to say, especially when you’re mentally exhausted, running out of things to write, or just getting too occupied with real life. Blogging (writing and involving in blogosphere) can be very time consuming too, worse for me since I am a slow reader and writer (thinking about what to write).
And what’s more, people slowly shift more towards to places like due to its accessibility and concentration of readers, which may take them to think that it’s a lot more advantageous to use that compared to external blogs.
With more bloggers slowly quitting and the negativity atmosphere becomes more apparent in community, I must say that despite trying to stay optimistic on the Net here, I am not immune by the recent happenings, in fact I can be easily shaken. But I still try to continue blogging to share with those who enjoy what we like to share to each other.
Back to your blog: As you’ve mentioned you’ve changed gears (and methods) quite a few times over some period of time. I must admit that I really don’t take much notice of your art (even less now since I spend less time watching things in general recently), so I can’t really comment much about your art throughout these years. But don’t worry too much about not blog as much as you want to nowadays, as people say take your time and blog what you really want to share with us. I myself don’t follow the rule quite so much because I have to encourage myself to blog frequently enough to not to slag behind and eventually forget about it.
There has been rather serious conversations not only between us, but with other people in the community recently. I hope we will get to talk in a more light-hearted way in the future.
You bring up an interesting point with the “DC-Era” thing. A lot of blogs did pop up during that time. I think though, most of those didn’t really know what they were blogging about, lost focus, and quickly died.
I think places like as a ‘blogging channel’ is a bad idea. You may think you’re getting a lot of views, but you’re really not, when you start measuring the view count and comments. I don’t consider to be high quality writing, or high quality comments. The bulk of the views you get for your post are general and not really targeted. Where as blogging itself, you’re communicating with good friends all the time. I usually use as a bulk announcement channel instead to drive traffic to the main dish – my blog.
There are definitely a lot of trolls out there, and when the audience becomes more low-quality, it affects the community for sure. I think the negativity has always existed though. Maybe not to a growing extent. But you find what you search for, and inadvertently, sometimes you may find yourself in the center of negativity because you put yourself there. Likewise, you search for happiness and that’s what you will find.
You guys always have the most interesting discussions, even way back in the AFN on Facebook days, lol. And yeah, I’m surprised as well that I posted that many comments here ^^; I don’t visit as regularly as I used to. Guess we’re both as busy, eh? We definitely go far back, even before I heard about DC, lol.
Hrmm, it’s true that my blog did pop up around the “DC Era”, but mostly because that one photo thing back then didn’t cut it for me. Which is why I made the blog in the first place. Now Figure.FM has multiple photos, but still doesn’t have the same personal touch that we have on our blogs. And true, Radiant, that DC/F.FM are used to drive people to ours. It doesn’t work as well as it used to, but hey, it’s still good place to share 🙂
As for negativity, it’s true I felt it, but it actually made some good changes on my end. I’ve made mine more personal and made it look better.
And LOL on “lost focus”. Well I know it happens to people, but my blog NEVER focused on anything in the first place. It always goes off to multiple areas and jumped all over the place XD I guess something like a non-focused focused blog?
Anyway… Not to put up more comments… I know exactly how busy it can be that I can’t even put up a blog post. Your work is different than mine, so schedules are different. Plus your focus is different as well. My schedule sorta works for me, just not enough free time anymore compared to 2 years ago. But really, I wouldn’t worry about posting regularly. I never say anything when I haven’t blogged for a while ^^; I just post when I can do it. Like, I was pretty much SILENT all of March because I was working on that stop motion video, so it was basically a month before I posted again. So yeah, go at your own pace and don’t worry so much 😉 All these years, I know you’ve always had this kind of breaks and such, so I know you always spring back 🙂
So yeah… Do your work! XD Enjoy life! And all that jazz. I know I’ve been busy and not in front of the computer all the time too ^^;
Hey thanks! I definitely try to keep it interesting, because it’s important to me to share my thoughts, and to use my blog as a sounding board to hear what my readers think.
You’re one of the originals here, so it’s hard to surpass the number of comments you posted! 🙂 And it’s great too, because it shows just how much you care. 😀
Yeah, the single photo thing on was a significant flaw to the design, IMO. I guess that’s why so many blogs popped up after that. I used to depend on for traffic, but yeah, you’re right. It’s not effective anymore. I don’t care too much for it as well, as the quality of traffic is more important than the quantity of traffic.
lol I think for your blog, it’s definitely different. It was never meant to focus on one thing in particular, so it’s good on you to maintain that and have such a broadly appealing blog for your audience! The major constant of course is your lilies. 🙂
Hey thanks for your support too. I do appreciate my readers, which was probably why I posted this, in a way to address and inform them of the change in my blogging behavior. 🙂
Cheers, my friend!
I dunno where I just found your interview, but I just read your interview and let me tell you that you’ve completely blown my mind! I knew you were awesome at drawing and I really liked your art and all. But after reading about what you’ve done I’m like completely shocked out of my mind just how big you are.
I’m even more impressed that a celebrity-like figure as yourself spend the time to respond to people like me.
Please totally ignore that last e-mail I sent you now. I feel so embarrassed I’m going to go dig myself a hole and hide.
hey thanks.
I think that it’s important to address the fans, and to have a closer connection with them. All that stuff with celebrities thinking they’re more important is complete BS. I’ve always believed that sharing is important. A community grows because of sharing.
Good luck with your artwork. You’re really talented! I’m kinda new to this blogging thing. I’m always looking for people to follow (like you said, some bloggers are dropping left and right), so I’ll be sure to stick around!
Hey thanks! Hope to see you around more too!
Man, takes me back thinking about us bloggers only a few years ago. We were always talking about our figures and photoshoots lol. Now we are either dropping out, taken a different interest in life, or like me who haven’t been able to post like I did before.
It’s great that you’re more active in the blogging world than I am. I’m trying to find more time to do it but with life the way it is I might not be able to for a while. Though after this month that might change. We’ll see.
ah yeah… the good old days… with more social responsibilities, we have to give up more of our hobbies… it’s good to see that you still do post, even if it’s not as often as you like. And you’ve been posting a lot more travel posts and food posts, which is cool too.
Glad seeing you back, well that’s life good luck 😀 I also don’t think will have much time in the future, probably i just need to check here every one month 😉
That’s cool. Good to see you’re still hanging around. 🙂
It’s a shame you won’t be blogging as much, but hey! It’s not the quantity of posts that count, it’s the quality! And you’ve always had some of the most interesting posts out of all the blogs I’ve frequented.
I’ve been debating what else to do with my blog. I just don’t want to restrict it to endless otaku-related reviews, I want to branch out a bit. But what to do, what to do…
(One thing to do is definitely post more art…I’ve been seriously slacking in that department)
You’re exactly right! More focus on what I want this blog to be about! 😀
As far as what you should do with your blog… do what you want to do. That’s what I’ve been doing, and it feels good. Your readers will appreciate your diversity too.
I’ve had in my drafts, a post about essentially “how to blog” but I still haven’t gotten to fleshing it out yet. I probably will never get to it LOL!
I think blogging irregularly is fine, I mean heck I’ve been completely irregular since day one. I think trying to force yourself into a blogging schedule has the potential to make blogging accidentally feel like an obligation. Anyway I’ve actually never watched this video before so I’m glad to see it now. I definitely enjoyed watching Joy’s creation video!
PS – This song makes me think of The World Ends With You OST
You’re right, sometimes it does feel like an obligation. Regular posting schedules are useful though, because then your readers know when to expect a new post. But with RSS feeds and social media connections, this has sort of become redundant.
Oh you should definitely check out my youtube channel! I post videos of my art there! 🙂
No wonder there is not much update lately. Well… can`t say i stalk your web most of my time. I usually wandering around youtube (gotta love u`re video there, help me a lot).
I don`t know much `bout blog or web, but i was thinking of making one soon (even though i still don`t know what should i put there…). I`m not a blog reader (prefer watch video or collecting picture), but i do love good quality blog/web. Maybe being irregular isn`t that bad, as long the content is still “high quality”. Ehehehe… (that`s my opinion as myself. XD)
Anyway~ Good luck for your career and gotta wait for next video of yours (Marisa vs WRS = Amazing there)!^^
I’m glad I’m able to help and inspire you! 🙂
My advice about blogging – you really have to have a passion for it, and know what you want to blog about.
Glad you enjoyed the Marisa vs WRS video! I’ll post more videos when I get a chance.
Houden Eizou..?