Omake Update
by radiantdreamer
April 28, 2011
in Anime & Video Games, Anime Figures, Things I Find Interesting
tags: analog, art, black rock shooter, blazblue, chip, collateral damage studios, commission, dale, drawings, emails, facebook, fan art, freelance, friend code, hamsters, haruhi, HMO, K-ON!, marisa, miku, nendoroids, nintendo 3ds, ore no imouto, plenair, sakura, saya no uta, sketching, street fighter tournament, tsundere, white rock shooter, zen united
The Big Move – Current Collection 2011 January
by radiantdreamer
January 12, 2011
in Anime Figures, Things I Find Interesting
tags: 18-200mm, 18-55mm, 50mm, alicia, anime, black rock shooter, blazblue, brs, buddy, canon, chua churam, claymore, figures, gothic devil girl, gwendolyn, halloween, haruhi, jo, K-ON!, kiki's delivery service, konata, kos mos, kureha, l, lily, lineage II, liquor filled chocolates, luka, maid, marisa, melissa, mercedes, miku, mikuru, moka, momohime, Nagi, nendoroid, odin sphere, pangya, petite, photography, pia carrot, professor layton, range murata, raquel, rin, saber, sakura, selvaria, selveria, senhime, shining, shuraki, sigma, supercell, Taiga, touhou, valkyria chronicles, xenosaga
Heaven or Hell? Capitalists and Zombies
by radiantdreamer
November 17, 2010
in Anime & Video Games, Anime Figures
tags: black rock shooter, bottled water, capitalism, clutter, consumerism, danny choo, dasani, demand, evangelion, facebook, haruhi, K-ON!, kodomut, manufactured demand, preorders, shiraki, supply, viral marketing, web 2.0, zombie
Improv Painting, Unexpected Purchase
by radiantdreamer
March 05, 2010
in Anime Figures, How To Draw Anime & Photoshop
tags: faerie, goodsmile, K-ON!, nendoroid, photoshop, ritsu, ruka, vocaloid
My Current Collection – January
by radiantdreamer
January 29, 2010
in Anime Figures, Things I Find Interesting
tags: aerith, ah my goddess, alice, Alter, Alvis Hamilton, aria, asuka, ballistics, belldandy, black lagoon, black rock shooter, burst angel, cloud, evangelion, fate stay night, final fantasy, gemini sunrise, good smile company, gothic devil girl, hardy daytona, human mage, K-ON!, Kannagi, Kotobukiya, Last Exile, lineage II, masamune shirow, miku hatsune, motorcycle, my collection, needa, nendoroid, pia carrot, queen's gate, raquel gothic, revy, rize, saber, sakura, shall, shana, shuraki, tifa, tony aka, vocaloid, yuffie, yuna