I remember seeing someone create a 3d model of a Snow Miku. I can’t say that it was the best modeling I’ve seen, but it was a nice wish. I can’t remember who, probably GSC, eventually did release a Snow Miku 1:8 scale. It didn’t look that great though.
I quite like the original GSC Miku Hatsune, so I figured, why not make a Snow Miku version out of that? It’s Christmas now too.
And here’s a youtube video of it being made. All in all, 54 minutes. That’s pretty extreme for the type of work, I think…
Remember when my Gordon Ramsay toaster oven exploded? Well, I had been without a toaster oven since then (which was okay, since I was away in Singapore anyway). But finally, my new toaster arrived.
Isn’t she a beaut? This baby has dual-brick inlays, 1800RPM convection fan, tinted glass, 1700 watts, top and bottom load racks, 0.9 cubic feet, stainless steel exterior housing, interior light, 4 bake modes, and can reach 0F to 450F in 5.5 minutes – twice the speed of standard toaster ovens. This is 34 pounds of pure power. And it makes excellent toast.
One of the best reviewed toasters I’ve seen on the internet, and at a really good price (I got it for about the same price as that el-cheapo Gordon Ramsay toaster! Take THAT!) from Costco. For some reason, it sells for $400 on amazon.com.
I guess I can consider this my Christmas gift, since I had spent so much money already just going to Singapore. My wife bought herself something just today. I guess that shopping blood never really simmers down. She almost got a parking ticket today too!
I personally avoided the malls like the plague. Last minute shoppers everywhere, and the high level of stress is probably not a good sign. I’m sure you could feel the tension in the malls…
Did any of you need to do some last minute shopping? Either for others, or for yourself? If so, any horror stories?
It’s still December 24th for me. Just 2.5 more hours before Christmas, and maybe I can open some presents. Maybe? I’ve been good this year, Santa! If no presents, gimme something gooood. (you know what I mean! *nudge nudge*)
How did you celebrate your Christmas this year?
Happy Holidays!
54 minutes seems long*actually fast for the likes of us who suck at PS haha* but for the end results it is well worth the time, very awesome edit ^^ and Lol good to see you got a new toaster oven, may this one serve you well for a long long time.
30mins till xmas here but i wont be doing much celebration, will mostly stuff myself with food and some the night gaming.
happy holidays and merry xmas to ya radiant, hope you get some cool presents
Normally, about an hour is how much time I spend on my photoshop images, including some of the more elaborate ones. This one is just a bunch of hue shifts and levels adjustments. I guess it can be time consuming too, especially when I’m painting each part for masking.
I’m definitely hoping this toaster oven will work forever. My Black and Decker one only lasted a couple of years! I tell ya, capitalist agenda.
It’s Xmas here now too! Merry Christmas!
I enjoy family get togethers, but sometimes, I would love to enjoy a Christmas like that – completely uninterrupted, just doing what I WANT!
Thanks for the holiday wishes, buddy! Cheers!
Ha, awesome idea
I’d like to paint a Miku garage kit like Snow Miku some day (soon) <3
Thanks! Actually, I suppose that totally is possible, since I think there are Miku garage kits. Happy Holidays!
Happy Christmas to you as well!
That is by far the fanciest toaster oven I’ve seen lol. Our family tends to just replace a low end although big one once every seven years.
Not to be mean regardless of what day of the year it is but you forgot about Miku’s reflection. Otherwise, very nice; I wish I could do shops in an hour that’d take me over a day and alas that is why I am not a practical artist.
Thanks! It seems that all the “bigger” ones tend to have this stainless steel look.
The low end ones, from my experiences, tend to last a lot longer. I have this smaller one which I gave away, and apparently, it’s still working, after 8 years!
You’re very observant!
Actually, I do know about the reflection. I just got lazy. If you watch the video, you see me color it, and then change my mind. “Bah, it’s small, nobody will really care!” thanks for noticing though! 
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
I hope you’re having a great day today with friends and loved ones :). As for I myself, I got too sick to go anywhere, so my Christmas is spent at home getting better–I lost my voice temporarily due to it even.
I hear that you got sick when you were in Singapore? I hope that it’s long gone since you got back :D.
I hope that this next toaster oven works out for you! I got chills when I saw what happened to the last one O,o.
Great drawing and video as always. Even though I am voiceless right now, I sure am inspired to the brink of being unable to close PS haha. I suppose that’s one of my Christmas presents this year :).
Take care buddy! Thanks for everything you do. you’ve been a great inspiration for me this year! Once more, thanks and here’s hoping that you have a great day!
Sucks that you got sick… especially during the holidays. Hope you’re feeling better now though.
Even though my sickness went away fairly quickly, my wife caught my cold shortly after. She’s STILL sick.
I think this toaster oven will be a good one. (well, I hope it will be). It is pretty darn sweet, that’s for sure! Reviews seem to rate it highly, so I’ve got high hopes.
Merry Christmas, I hope you get some nice presents.
Hopefully your new more impressive sounding oven doesn’t have any mishaps as before.
I’m not a big fan of the Snow Miku nendo, I would really prefer a Santa Miku. Still, I would never occur to me to paint over a figure like you did to try a new color scheme.
Merry Christmas, Miette-chan!
I got some pretty good presents this year! One of them being a Fate Testerossa figma, a beautiful new coat, and a wireless SD card for my camera!
The oven was highly rated in reviews I’ve read, so it should be good. It already performs twice as good as the Gordon Ramsay toaster, so I’m happy.
I was on the fence about doing a Snow Miku or a Santa Miku, but since I already did a Santa Miku nendoroid last year, I thought I’d make a Snow Miku since one doesn’t really exist in 1:8 (or does it?)
Sweet toaster. It’s always nice to gift yourself for the holiday seasons. I guess my new laptop was a gift to myself that I ordered on Black Friday lol. It’s about 11 hours into Christmas now here ^^. Merry Christmas ^^.
You got a new laptop? Sweet! What kind?
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Awesome Snow Miku render!
I actually thought it was a real figure at first glance XD
Ah and finally a replacement toaster oven, let us know how things work out with that one haha
As for the shopping i always try to get mine done early, i cant stand the crowds!
thanks! Yeah I was hoping some people would think it was real. XD
The oven has worked pretty good so far – my toast is ready in HALF the time it takes for normal bulk-sized toaster ovens! That totally blows my mind, actually…
Yeah I like to get mine done early too, but sometimes, last minute gifts are needed and I have to brave the mall zombies. Man, it kinda sucks how commercialized Christmas has become, yet we can’t really do anything to change it since it’s so ingrained in our society.
LoL now we have a exclusive 1/8 snow miku figures >_<
How i wish Santa will drop me such a present….
Oh and a Very veri Merry X'mas to you XD
Merry Christmas, Jun!
Love the Snow Miku, but nowhere near as nice as the toaster over. I love it. Maybe if it doesn’t blow up on you, then I will get one like that. lol
lol it is a pretty sexy toaster oven, I suppose.
A belated Merry Christmas to you! And gosh, that is one flash looking toaster. Hope you have fun doing heaps of baking with it! Coincidently, we retired the one in our household yesterday (thankfully it didn’t kerpl0de) but the replacement is definitely not as extravagant as yours.
Thanks Angela! And happy holidays to you! I have yet to bake with it, but the toast feature has been more than satisfactory so far.
How much did you pay for your toaster replacement? I paid about $130 CAD for mine.
Great job with miku, she looks beautiful!
54 mins all worth it in the end =)
oh and nice toaster..funny my toaster just overheated somehow yesterday ;;
Merry Christmas, a quiet one for me as i decided to work and save money for next year singapore trip! =D
heh heh thanks.
I wish that she was real… I actually quite like the color scheme of Snow Miku.
Your toaster oveheated? Do be careful. If the safety features are broken, it could start a fire. O_O
A quite christmas can be good too.
Happy holidays!
Dont worry…Bought a new one, dont want to take the risk..or dont want to die O.o
lol good. yeah dying would not be a good idea. O_o
Damn your photoshop skills is FREAKIN awesome. It’s pretty inspiring. I want to learn more photo manipualtion but no motivation and ideas. orz
Thanks dude!
Motivation comes from within. Inspiration comes from others.
I thought that was an actual figure at first, but I didn’t remember seeing a 1/8 scale Snow Miku announced anywhere. Good work.
Would you buy one if one actually came out, and looked as good as the GSC Miku?
I have to agree with TAKEToMBo’s comment. Another jaw-dropping piece of work! It’s amazing what one hour of work can do isn’t it? Speaking of painting things like figures and other like items, I would love to be able to do things like that, but I’m not a person who is good with my hands and I severely lack skill and steady hands. =(
Also, I remember having a Black & Decker toaster oven. My parents received it for a wedding present and had it until about 5 or 6 years ago when they decided to switch over to a regular toaster. Handy little kitchen product aren’t they?
I’ve done a few garage kits myself and you’re right, they aren’t easy!! Hence why I don’t do garage kits anymore. It’s also very time consuming!
The toaster has been working out great! If your family decides to upgrade, this is the toaster to get! Best bang for your buck with this kind of functionality and features!