The new Radiant Dreamer web gallery is up and running! A total revamp of the look and feel of the site puts more focus on my actual artwork! Hope you have fun browsing!
New Radiant Dreamer gallery now Live!
About the Author: radiantdreamer
I create stuff in my mind, and try to barf it out onto tangible mediums such as Photoshop, and video game art. Sometimes, I get paid to do it because I'm a freelance artist working in the video games industry.
Getting paid to do what I love (video games, and art) is my dream come true!
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Nice stuff man, great to see the new look finally up and running! Hopefully will be able to see you update more and watch the site get better and moving towards the vision you have for it =)
Thanks for the encouragement, shino! I hope I’ll be updating it on a more regular basis too! I’ll try to write at least something once a week, be it a game, or a figure, or just about my art. I’ve got my entire gallery of works to write articles on, so I don’t think I’ll be out of material for a while if I just keep at it. 🙂
Nice layout I like it ^^
Your site is coolsome.. with flash. If only I know advanced flash…