So a few weeks ago, I received my Selvaria. Being a huge fan of Valkyria Chronicles, this was a figure I highly anticipated. There was another Selvaria by Enterbrain, but I thought it sucked. I’m glad I held out and Alter released this beauty.
I was shocked at the size of the box. Still doesn’t beat the Fate Testarossa box, but it’s comparable.
These nendoroid petits are dwarfed severely in comparison to the awesome size of this box.
No photoshops this weeks. I haven’t yet thought of anything cool yet. Just playing with the RAW files instead.
The detail of this figure is incredible. I’ve said that for many figure reviews, I know, but I do mean it.
The one thing that I’m not 100% happy about would be her face. It looks a little too friendly in comparison to her video game counterpart. Since I haven’t watched the anime, I’m not sure if they’re following that version or not. Still, that’s not really a complaint, since the face looks great anyway. They did get her breast size correct, it seems.
I really like the detail on this knee-guard. It reminds me of Lineage II characters. How do they sculpt all that detail in there, eh?
The text seems pretty boring in comparison to the rest of the figure. In fact, I’m a little disappointed that they didn’t do anything special for it, like the Saber Lily base or something. Regardless, it’s classy enough unlike Kotobukiya bases.
Like I said, her face appears a little too soft for her personality.
The entire length of the figure including the lance. I have to say that this angle is not very flattering at all. She’s obviously not meant to be displayed this way.
The lance tucks nicely under the cape. To hold the lance this way and actually cause any sort of damage seems impossible. I wonder how it’s done in jousting. Regardless, she uses it mostly to shoot energy projectiles.
I cannot even begin to emphasize how awesome the lance is. It’s huge and very long. So long that you get incredible bokeh when you focus on the tip.
Likewise, you can see how much the lance blurs when focusing on Selvaria.
The tendrils of hair also blows my mind. The amount of depth is incredible.Β The still shot doesn’t do it justice. You have to turn the figure to admire the amount of depth the hair has.
Designed to spec, this is the Valkyrian Shield. I can’t say I am fond of the Valkyrian weapons. The design is a little strange… but then again, it’s got a Laputa/Nausicaa ancient weapon kind of feel to it, which is what they’re supposed to be anyway.
Thinking back, Valkyria Chronicles didn’t really hit it big in North America. The reactions on NeoGAF were mostly luke-warm. Many of the posters said “I’ll pick it up when there’s a price drop.” while everyone else was desperately trying to convince these people to buy it NOW NOW NOW! I was one of those in the second camp.
Valkyria Chronicles was EPIC. When I first played the demo, I was in the first camp of “maybe I’ll buy it later.” but after reading a video review of it, I was immediately sold. It was unfortunate that it seemed Sega wasn’t expecting it to sell well either – they underprinted. Canada was completely dry. This was a country-wide shortage.
I lucked out and managed to snag a copy on amazon before it sold out. I think these were the 2nd run prints.
Very fond of her cutlass. I’ve never seen her use it – I’m guessing that it’s mostly ornamental.
When I finally got my copy of VC1, it was pretty much the ONLY game I played on my PS3 until completion. Every single stage introduced something new to the table, and every single stage had a mid-level event that forced me to change my strategies. This really rocked.
I really loved the characters too. They weren’t too trope-y, and provided great opportunity for some decent story-telling. I was immediately converted to preaching how great Valkyria Chronicles was. I managed to convince quite a few people to purchase the game.
Everyone’s reaction on NeoGAF and the friends I convinced reacted the same way: “I wish I had bought this game sooner! This game is worth every penny!”
Recent Alter figures have been including optional parts. Alter never did this before. I don’t know what has actually caused them to do this. It works great for this figure, since the removable parts don’t create seams, but not so much with Momohime. Tier’s review explains.
Firey Photoshopping.
Recently, there has been a large influx of VC1 games in the pre-owned section at Gamestop/EBGames. The price for it is decent too. If you haven’t tried VC yet, now is a great time.
While Valkyria Chronicles was my game of the year, Selvaria here comes incredibly close to my figure of the year. There have been some pretty darn awesome figures this year, so it’s by no means unworthy.
Status as of Nov 22, 2010: In stock at HLJ and Hobbysearch.
If you don’t have a PS3 and instead want to play VC2 on PSP, be warned that a HUGE spoiler takes place that may ruin your VC1 experience in future (or not, depending on how much you care about the story). Over all, even though VC2’s gameplay mechanics are improved, I still prefer VC1’s epic and elaborate stages more.
Honestly, if you haven’t experienced VC yet, this is a good time to start. At that price point, it’ll probably be the best money you’ve spent. I know it sounds like I’m trying to peddle this game, but I really did enjoy it immensely, and think that more people should own this game – if not for the pure enjoyment, then for the sake of localization of future JRPGs.
Wow, simply wow. Im actually really surprised in how this turn out to be, she looks amazing! plus shes massive, look at those poor petite =/
anyway shes very detailed in a good way, nicely done, its true her face might be a bit to ”friendly’ considering her character but nonetheless the overall picture is great =)
Will review my budget and make calculations to see if i can add her to my collection.
Nice review like always radiant!
The box itself is actually quite big. Figure size seems to be pretty standard. I have no idea why they are making bigger and bigger boxes!
I’ve convinced you to potentially buy this figure? Ohhh~
Is it really that nice looking to you? π
Nice review for this awesome figure, I’m also a big fan of VC1. Hope this figure can help attract on more people to play the game.
It’s kinda unfortunate that the figure market is so small. I think that this figure would only appeal to the fans of VC who also happen to be figure collectors. That’s a pretty small influence…
The details in this are so gorgeous. It does kind of remind me of the lineage figure. The shield, knee guard, hair… everything. She’s gorgeous.
totally! I’m glad you like her too! π Honestly, while I tried my best with the photography, these photos don’t do her justice. She’s just incredible to look at IRL. π
Valkyria Chronicles, the game I bought before a PS3 firmly at my #2 spot for favorite PS3 game. I evangelized everyone I new about how good it was and scored some sales of the game. Alas, these people just wont play it though.
As far Selvaria herself, rarely do I reserve figures the second they go on sale. I usually think about it for a while, didn’t think twice about it in this case. As I have absolutely no room to display her she is still in her box but how do I wish I could take her out. Your figures are really tempting me to take her out.
So VC was your first game? Wow! My first game was Folklore. While I wasn’t as excited as you about VC when it first came out, that quickly changed once I got a copy for myself.
Evangelizing VC is almost as difficult as evangelizing Soul Calibur. Just like VC, my friends won’t play SC. IT DRIVES ME NUTS! Won’t ANYONE take on my unstoppable Amy or Taki?!
Oh I’ve been wanting to ask you – how likely are figures sold out after preorders are filled? I’m trying not to jump on the impulse bandwagon when it comes to preorders, but I’m always afraid it will be sold out if I don’t.
Yeah, it kinda sucks one can’t really force people to play something or other.
From what I seen it’s pretty hit or miss, it also greatly depends on the popularity of the character and source material. Plus usually I notice that AmiAmi tends to have a handful in stock most often than not after release.
Jedi mind tricks. “You *want* to play Valkyria Chronicles… you think it’s the *best* game of the forever.”
I hate the uncertainty of hit or miss when it comes to figure preorders. I hate seeing that “out of stock.” notice and I usually kick myself for not clicking preorder. Then sometimes I kick myself when I see a figure sell for discount. (example – the latest Clalaclan figure)
i want her! more so after seeing these beautiful shots :3 the details are amazing along with the paint job. but im low on funds and lacking space for display, most of my pvc are still packed away T_T
i havent played the game either, no ps3. is she in the psp version though?
She is most definitely drool-worthy. And it’s not because of her boobs either! π
Sad to hear that you’ve reached that stage too… it’s a tough life being a collector with limited space!
Selvaria is an unlockable in VC2, but other than her appearance in combat wearing a scout uniform, she’s not all that interesting. You don’t get to experience her epicness like you can in the VC1 DLC. Woooh, I just jizzed in my pants from that thought.
What a wonderful looking figure. Alter greatly impresses yet again! I ended up passing on Selvaria because, as other posters have said, I’m low on shelf space and lack the funds to get her.
Figures are just so darn expensive now! Spent around $120 on my newest one, that Lawson exclusive Asuka Langley Shikinami “Loppi Version”. I miss the old days where I got most of my figs for less than fifty bucks each…
Figures used to sell for less than 50 bucks?! haha I can barely remember those days. But then relatively speaking, figures back then weren’t nearly as impressive as they are now too, so in a way, we’re still getting our money’s worth.
I’ve never played the game nor have I watched the anime.
Is Selvaria a bad character in the Game?
Alter is very impressive when it comes to figures of video game characters, they can add much more details, in comparison to anime related figures, like they did with their Momohime and Gwendolyn figures.
Selvaria seems to have even more details than these two.
I think she looks just great in her outfit and in this proud pose,the golden details at her stockings are really standing out.
I have a question about the weapons can she hold the thin sword in her right hand as well, or can she only hold the big sword?
VC’s characters are interesting… you could judge them as good or evil, but in reality, each of them have there own reasons for being the way they are. There are some pretty evil characters on the “good guys” side, and a few good characters on the “bad guys” side too.
Selvaria is on the bad guys side, but her motives become clear as the story progresses.
The cutlass can’t be held in hand. It’s purely ornamental, which is functionally the same in the old war days – ornamental swords showed rank and prestige in a way. It would have been a nice feature, but Alter shifting to providing optional parts is already a good thing in certain ways, especially with Selvaria here.
Valkyria Chronicles is on my shelf, but I haven’t played it yet. I have every intention of playing it though. IN FACT I bought this game before I even owned a PS3, Gamestop was having a sale and it was really cheap for what the MSRP was at the time so I decided to jump on it. But silly me, I have at least a dozen games that I need to get around to playing. I admit I think sometimes the way I buy games is just plain greedy. I have the money now to afford them (unlike when I was a kid) but I no longer have the time to play as many as I’d like. I just can’t let it go that I won’t have the time to play all these games unless I become independently wealthy (i.e. win the lottery). Well anyway back to your gorgeous figure, this was one figure I decided to cancel. When I was cutting back on figures I realized that I was attempting to overlook an aspect of her that really bothered me. Not to sound like a prude but when it comes to figures I can’t stand seeing pronounced nipples.As much as I adore the details, strength, and beauty of this lovely figure…those perky tips really broke the deal for me.
Hmmm… that’s pretty interesting… it kinda goes hand in hand with my Heaven or Hell post, and the Why Do You Buy post too. I’d like to interview you at some point in the future to know more about how you think when it comes to purchases, if that’s okay with you.
I totally know what you mean by the pronounced nipple thing. It’s pretty mild on Selvaria though. But on most figures, that turns me off too. It’s totally unnecessary, and sometimes ruins the figure.
interview? lol sure, my views on how I purchase items has changed this past year or so…but I’m still pretty spontaneous and immature in my justification at times
I wouldn’t mind being around a witch that looked like that…hmmm.
yes yes! :9
Ah very lovely photos, kind of makes me sad that I cancelled this figure^^”
The quality of Alter figure these days seem to be even better than before, which makes me happy of course.
Instead of playing the VC1 game, I watched it instead. I played VC2 and I loved it, although it can be very frustrating at times!
thanks for the good review!
^^ she’s still in stock at hobby search I believe.
The anime doesn’t do Valkyria Chronicles any justice. You really should play the game! The characters are a lot less tropey, and the drama is a lot better. Not to mention the combat is more intense! Take it from me and miette-chan! PLAY VALKYRIA CHRONICLES!
Alright, now the question is since Valkyria Chronicle 3 comes out next weekish. Are you getting it? I ordered Valkyria Chronicle reprint like on November and I FINALLY got it last night when it was shipped December 10th. Talk about months of waiting for a game. (Airmail fails so hard, seriously. I was beginning to think the company never mailed it out.)
I saw Selvaria in the opening for a few seconds, I guess she’s either a flashback or somehow still alive after that suicidal burnt out? Nay… I’d say just a flashback. Perhaps she has a connection and story to our heroine this time? (Though I’m more interested in the Daraksujin’s part actually, seeing we seem to have a tsundere daraksujin main heroine this time. XD
The JP version of VC3 right? Won’t be getting it because I can’t read Japanese. I will probably get the North American version when it comes out. Definitely want to support my favorite series. Maybe one day, we’ll see VC on PS3 again…
VC is so worth it. π
I can’t remember – does the story of VC3 take place before the events of VC1? If so, then that would explain Selvaria’s existence.