So the Collateral Damage Studios contest is now over. First, I’d like to thank everyone that participated! It was definitely a lot of fun, and I hope you had fun too!
All the entries can be found here:
13 entries in all! Even though the contest is over, feel free to check them out, and click LIKE! I’m sure the original author will appreciate it! π
People got their chance to be entertained, and vote for their favorite 4komas, and the one with the most likes was declared winner. And the winner is:
… wait! Drum roll!
It was a tight race between Gordonator, and Udsahn. But winning by a single vote is Udsahn!!
Congratulations! Please contact me with your mailing address, and I’ll send you your prize – one copy of Starry Night by Collateral Damage Studios, with my autograph! (the copy shown on the right)
To be honest, I thought everyone’s entries were awesome, which is why I didn’t vote because everyone would have gotten my vote anyway.
I also did a secondary contest – 5 signed prints of my Marisa vs White Rock Shooter featured art – those that were subscribed to my mailing list were automatically entered, as well as anyone that tweeted the contest link. Winners were chosen through
And the winners are:
Risa, IceDraconian, Pocky, and Miette-Chan. Miette-chan actually came up twice – once on the mailing list, and once on twitter, so Miette-chan gets two prints! Miette-chan, if you would like, I can send you the two prints, or I can give one to the next drawn number (I’ve already drawn the number). It’s up to you, let me know.
Gordon, since you really wanted my autographed piece of art, and you were only 1 vote from winning the contest, I’ll be sending you a print as well. π
Again, thanks to everyone who participated, and especially thanks to Collateral Damage Studios. This contest wouldn’t have happened without them.
Stay tuned for future contests!
Yay!! I almost can’t contain my glee :).
I guess I’m gonna have to rewrite that post I was making hehe. I had assumed I had lost, but I guess the last friends who pitched in at the last second really helped.
I almost can’t believe that the deciding factor was a single vote. Jeez that was close. I recall on the night before Tuesday I thought I had lost already because it seemed all my friends that were going to pitch in already had and I was #2nd then. Guess I was wrong :).
I agree with you on the comics, BTW. I liked all of them. Each for a different reason. That’s one reason I join contests is not for the prize, but the participation. Everyone has a different view–and that I do love. I talk about that in my post :).
I’ll send you the info in a bit when I can type properly haha.
Also congrats to the other winners! I’m glad that Gordon’s going to get a prize as well. I think that’s a nice gesture on your part :).
Take care buddy! Was most fun! π
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Your comic was quite good, in my opinion. But yes, they were all good, and it was fun for everyone. π
I’m glad that even I got to participate indirectly with my own 4koma lol!
It definitely is all just about having fun, really. I’m a little surprised that some of the people I expected would enter turned out not entering. I think many people have this lack of confidence that “Oh, I’ll never win.” but that’s not what it’s about – it’s about just having fun.
I don’t feel like I was being really hard on myself really. Just more of a reality call when you invite your friends to help you out :). Dun’ worry, future stuff on the blog and such will be in a much brighter light. Or so I hope anyways! Lemme know if it ever strays from such :D.
Also, I agree 100% with you on the lack of confidence bit. I remember before I ever tried entering contests I felt the exact same way :). I felt either “Oh, I’ll never win” or, “Oh, my entry won’t ever be good enough”.
Turns out the simple reality is you can never quite know unless you try as people have different viewpoints and expectations :). I’ve found that I’ve always been a harder critic on myself than most other people haha. I suppose in a way that’s a good thing :).
Thank you very much! I’m glad to receive a piece of work from you.
How will we be notified of the details on receiving our prints?
Congrats to everyone who won a prize. I can’t believe Kyubey turned down Yui’s wish, so mean π
It just shows the magnitude of Yui’s wish lol!
Hey Radiant, thanks so much for your generosity. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Looking forward to seeing it. =)
No probs, my friend. Send me your mailing address.
Oh man, I think I missed the winning entry when I looked them over in Facebook. I can see why it won.
As for the print, send me just one, let another person take the second.
Will do, my friend!
that’s great!!!
congratz Udsahn!!
at first i thought gordonator will win, but in the end yu are the winner!!!:-)
It was definitely a tight race! You got a fair bit of votes too! π
Congrats to all the winners! ^^ I was lazy so I didn’t try to participate in giveaways recently. Haha. Udsahn’s comic actually reminded me of my idea if QB were to meet the K-On! girls
Will have to take a looksee at the entries. I haven’t been online too much because new work is stricter than the old one ~_~;
lazy! That’s what you get for being lazy – nothing! π
It still would have been fun to see you come up with a comic. I was expecting an entry from you!
LOL I guess Yui is quite predictable. See? If you came up with that comic, you might have won! :O
Congrats on your new job! (if you’re enjoying it more or getting paid more)