I would have to say that I am MOST impressed with aquiring this figure. For a very long time, I’ve been waiting for a version of Saber that really appealed to me – both in dynamic pose, and in detail. In part, this would be my first armored Saber and first Figma in one go. Fortunately, when I made the purchase, I had committed to this being the first and last Figma I would purchase (for the sake of my wallet, my sanity, and my marriage). I had to make it a good one. Thankfully it is.
Unfortunately, because of how crappy my camera is, I couldn’t take too many close up shots. But the detail is there. Perhaps you would like to know that Figmas are just slightly smaller than Fraulent Revoltechs, so I’m presuming 1:12 scale. That’s TINY.
The best part about this version of Saber is the posability of her. She’s mostly ball-jointed, so her articulation is very flexible compared to say, Revoltech Saber. She doesn’t seem to have as many articulation points as a Fraulent, but that doesn’t seem to matter with Figmas. But unfortunately, with ball joints, we all know that too much posing will wear it down and cause the joints to loosen. That’s one advantage Revoltechs have with their clicky joints. The deal-maker for me on this Figma though, was the face. She looks far more accurate than any Revoltech figure I’ve ever seen from any series. And don’t get me started on the ebcraft Hyper Fate saber!
For the Revoltech Saber, they had decided to put her armor flaps on ball joints, but unfortunately, it looked very stiff, and you could see the apparent lameness of it (sorry, Revoltech Saber owners, but it’s the god-damned truth. Suck it.) This version uses ball joints and hinge joints in combination for huge flappy articulation. The armor piece is ball jointed from the back, the blue and white fabric is hinge jointed on the front of the armor plate, and that triangular blue flap you can see in the back. Finally, the very front white fabric is hinged to the blue cloth and front of the armor. Overall basically 3 articulation points.
You can see the ball-joint from the back in this photo.
Accessories, accessories! Options, options! I love this. The swords can be sheathed all the way into the scabbards, and the detail is bang-on accurate. I like how the interchangeable hands can be stored safely in this plastic “storage rack” so they don’t get lost. And there are 8 slots too! You know, just in case you want to display your Figma with no hands… In addition, the two hair piece options are great, so you can do dynamic poses and static poses without it looking weird. The three faces, each looking in a different direction, is also a very good idea. Unfortunately, I only decided to use two of the faces for my shots this session.
In addition, a little zip-lock sealable bag is included so you don’t have to store everything in the box, and try to fish it out everytime you want to change something. The bag also has a hole at the top so you can hang it. If you own multiple figmas, you can also label the bag. Excellent! Mine will stay blank though. I wish Revoltech was more advanced in features this way.
You may recognize this pose as an attempt to mimic Enter Brain’s Saber.
Different pose of Enter Brain’s Saber.
Pose of Clayz Saber.
Good Smile’s Saber pose.
Good Smile Saber pose close up.
Alter’s Saber Maid pose.
The Valkyrie Profile classic pose.
As you can see, she’s VERY posable. I have yet to try something drastically dynamic, as I kind of got bored part-way through, so enjoy the other few photos I took!
The high-spreadability of the armored skirt is a definite plus.
Can you tell which photo I used for my photoshop image?
Well, I hope you enjoyed this close-up review of my Saber. Until next time!
EDIT: As fate would have it, I ended up selling her. Congratulations to the lucky dude that ended up owning her!
I don’t own a figma (well, not yet anyways), but after seeing your post the posability really appeals to me. It’s just exactly what I want in a posable figurine.
I also really like the packaging and the inclusion of a little bag to put all the accessories in. That makes it so much more accessible than opening revoltech boxes.
Photoshop wise, I really like it, but Saber looks a little clean. I imagine that she’s in the heat of battle, maybe some dirt marks or battle damage (at least on the armor) would be cool.
Picture 20 for your amazing PS image ^^;
Figmas are incredible, and I am so addict! (have 2 of each that has been release so far haha)
It is impressive how easy it is to give her cool poses, and even without the support arm.
Funny that you mimic the other saber poses ^^ love it 🙂
woah… i love figmas.. ^^, but i don’t own one too. it’s just that i can’t afford one.. we don’t have them locally in our country so if order one, i’ll have to ship it then, which adds more to the price.. but it’s really beautiful.. wish i had one too, and other anime characters.. ^^,
and she’s also the best figma too, thanks to her armor, the joints are barely visible 😀
I have my saber mimic other saber pose too hehe 😀
nice poses!
lend her to me so I can take pix lol
and oh (OT again) I replied to your last e-mail lol (sorry!)
It seems like a really nice figure that’s worth the price.
I absolutely love the image that you photoshoped, it is so well done and looks absolutely fantastic!
my saber is popular. i really like the first photo. love the background. it just looks right, u know what’s saying. great work mate!
Seems you had a lot of fun presenting this, managing to make so many self-balanced poses. I guess that’s a good way to understand physics some; I haven’t very much played with my figma Saber because I couldn’t come up with interesting poses ^^;
I do enjoy photo-compositions, and wish more people would do them.
@ kin : you know how it is with main characters – they’re always clean, or get hit in the “good guy spot”. James Bond can walk out of the ocean with a clean suit, so why can’t Saber be clean? 🙂
Don’t hold out, Kinson. This is definitely a figure worth buying!
@ lu-k : 2 of each? oh wow! That’s pretty hardcore indeed! What purpose do you need 2 for?
@ ron : yeah, I looked at the other Figmas, and I’m just not into it, not like how cool this one is. I suppose Haruhi would be rather interesting too, especially with the gundam packs attached. 🙂
@ chun : you’re pretty good at photography, so I’m curious on why you haven’t taken any pix of your own figures.
@ lostty : Thanks!! I hope to make more photoshop images in the future! I might have to try some more Saber ones, since she’s so posable!
@ George : Yeah, Saber is pretty popular… it’s weird how it started off as an eroge, and hit mainstream. Honestly, the character design isn’t anything to call home about, but it’s still quite cool. I guess I bought into the hype.
@ nanu : It’s not really physics as it’s more of balancing. As an artist, it’s important to understand how the body works, how weight distributes, and what looks natural. Hopefully these photos can inspire some interesting poses for you!
I’m happy that you like my site! Please check back often! 🙂
nice photoshop work on the first pic. will u be getting rin next? 🙂
Hey man it’s been a while since I dropped by at your blog. I’ve just restarted my blog so things are still feeling a bit shaky, but I hope it’ll cruise along soon enough.
I got myself a figma Haruhi with a fairly good price in Nakano Broadway nearly 2 months ago. My sister at first didn’t have much comments but when she saw the articulations of figma (and the CM videos) she’s astonishly fascinated by it.
That question is easy, it was the second one counting from the end XD. This articulated figure of Saber is great especially on the face, to bad about the articulations that will loosen up after long usage, that was something that revoltech thought probably the reason why it does not have many poses like figma
I love your background in the first photo
I gotta say I used to be skeptical about purchasing this figure due to the joints but now I’m considering ordering her when I buy more stuff from HLJ.
@ gordon : I had thought about getting Rin, but that thought passed very quickly. I initially decided that this Figma would be the first and last I would get. That may change if a Figma that can top Saber comes along. (in which case, I may offer Saber up for sale)
@ Q : Hey Quintin, good to hear from you again! Good on ya that you got the Haruhi Figma! CM Videos? I gotta check that out! You should show your sister my blog too! Get her hooked!
@ Belela-San : nothing gets past you! Looks like I’ll have to come up with a more difficult challenge in the future!
@ Prim3 : thanks! Can you guess where the background is from? 😀
@ gndynames : seems that hlj shows her as “discontinued” at the moment. I know that she’s been restocked at hobbysearch. Good luck!
the first image looks cool ^^. She definitely looks more Saber than the one from Revoltech. Btw I have move my blog to http://toysworkz.valiantho.com
i really like Saber, hope i can buy figma Saber