Neogaf suddenly popped up with a Gameboy Micro <3 thread, so I decided to join in. I know that I said I wouldn’t be doing any review photos during my temporary gear shift, but I couldn’t help myself with this. There was so much Micro love going around on that thread; people were buying them because of the thread. Plus it’s my blog, so I can do whatever. muahaha.
Sexy Micro!
Several years ago (I think 2006), the Gameboy Micro was just released. At the time, I already had the original non-lit GBA, a GBA SP, and a Nintendo DS. I really didn’t need a Micro. I was totally “meh” about it because it seemed like such a bad idea – a tiny tiny screen that doesn’t have backwards compatibility with original Gameboy? And why would I need one since I’ve already gotten so many ways to play a GBA game!
The only way to play! It’s an NES emulator!
One day, a coworker brought in her Micro, and I tried it out. I was half convinced to buy one at the time. The screen was SO much better than the GBA SP, and the DS. But it was still a novelty at best.
Eventually, I figured that I would buy one. With the Famicom edition out, it made sense that if I was to buy a novelty item, it would be novelty all the way.
You can see the pixels! Pixellicious! Click to see full size!
The back. Happy Mario 20th.
North America had a 20th anniversary edition Micro that looked just like this one, except it didn’t have Happy Mario on the back, or any of the cool packaged goodies (seen in image1). I don’t know why they didn’t release an NES version for North America instead of this relatively unknown Famicom.
This is how big the Micro is! It literally fits inside the PSP screen!
In case you’re wondering, yes that’s a Nintendo Wii Remote strap.
Brightness comparison. This is on the brightest settings. The PSP does look sexy though, with it’s high-res graphics.
Good ol’ Zelda. I was still playing this game last year. The sexiness of the Micro has turned it into one of those highly sought after game devices that’s quickly becoming rare, even on Ebay! You can expect to pay upwards to $300+ for the Famicom edition of the Micro.
Inside the sexy manual – various ways to abuse your Micro.
The manual is THICK! Click to view!
Konata endorses the Gameboy Micro!
Do you have a Micro? If not, does this make you want one? It’s so sexy! To this day, I’m still glad I own a Gameboy Micro!
A last minute edition to truly make this HAWT!
nice *_* I want one too haha but the normal color I dun like shinny stuff ^^;;;
my last game boy was game boy color still can be use thought ^^
You don’t like shiny stuff? Why? I’m guessing you don’t like finger prints. Surprisingly, the Micro Famicom does not attract finger prints like the iPhone or PSP does. O_O
ah good to hear that !! yeah I dun like finger prints -__-
Oooooh Zelda!!!
That’s another one I never finished… Noooes you’re making me want to buy another system I don’t needs! T____T
muahahahaha! Join the Gameboy Micro Love!
hot stuff! some of these shots need to be censored Lol
i dont own one but yes, this post is tempting me with its sleek retro portableness. but its so expensive, my DS lite will have to suffice ^^
lol! The close-up shot probably needs to be censored! I honestly thought about putting up that animated gif of that mouse humping the Micro, but thought better of it. 😛
It indeed is very expensive. There are apparently some places that still have them in stock for cheap (like $50). A few Gaffers managed to pick up Famicom editions at like Target and whatnot.
I thought about getting a gameboy micro when it came out, but what turned me off was the $100 price tag and the fact that Gameboy Original > Gameboy Micro.
You mean the grey brick sized gameboy? I just saw one recently, and I have to say, it did not age well… it definitely looked better in my memories… 🙁
All things considering, it was a rather expensive gadget, but prices seem to have gone down for them (if you can find them) in retail stores. I was turned off by the price too at first, but well, it’s a purchase… no, an investment, that I don’t regret now. 🙂
I’m a little afraid of what I’m going to do when the Lithium Ion battery dies, because that definitely will happen. There doesn’t seem to be support for these things anymore.
Yes, I mean the grey one. I’ve kept mine in pretty good condition and it still works 🙂
I have one, not the awesome Famicom version though. I really love the screen as tiny as it is it makes the GBA games look so sharp and pretty.
Yeah, it’s such a sexy little thing!
I actually noticed that the colors are a tad bit less saturated than the GBASP2 and DS Lite. So while it’s not perfect, it’s still such an awesome gadget! 😀
Which color did you get?
Give the GBM to your dollfies. It’s the perfect size for posing with. Rin loves hers…
Nice pic dude! 😀
I don’t own any dollfies so, I’ll have to settle with Rei taking the Micro for a “ride”. 🙂
Until y0u mentioned it, I have completely forgotten that the Gameboy Micro ever existed since its release… orz
Very nice get on the Famicon version – the retro look does give a nice vintage and novelty feel to it, and it’s fab how it’s a NES emulator as well! The micro sure looks small! Never thought it’s gonna be smaller than the PSP’s screen in the first place o_o;
Now where’s my original GameBoy aka the “Grey Brick”? I’m sure it’s still back in home somewhere. Lost a lot of cartridges when I was little at primary school, but still have some classics like Tetris and Super Marioland with me.
it’s rather unfortunate that the Gameboy Micro doesn’t run original Gameboy games, but fortunately, a Gameboy emulator would work just as well. 🙂
It is a rather slick little gadget, but unfortunately wasn’t marketed well, or even demanded when it was released. It’s definitely one of those systems that you wish you had bought years after it’s dead, like the Neo Geo Pocket Color sort of rarity/novelty. (glad I bought one of those too).
Now this is a new poison >_<
I more like wanted to collect it then playing it…
Looks nice with Rei sitting on it.. very… sexy =D
yes! I totally bought it for collecting purposes. I’m sure many a collector out there that never bought one of these are wanting to buy one now. They’re really hard to find now!
It does look very good, and your photos (especially that last one) do ship it further, but I’m going to stay obstinate. My bank account just doesn’t have room for the micro. I suppose everyone had that predisposition about the micro when they first saw it – over-expansion is so ridiculous. I laughed heartily when I saw such a thing as the DSi LL.
Though the guys around me didn’t seem to think it funny :/
I’m very curious about the emulator though. Is there some flashcard like thing that works with the micro? Thing is, I would buy the micro in a second if I could play Touhoumon on it.
Yeah, this comment is pretty much a plea to have my dreams fulfilled.
I’m looking at my own photos and drooling. lol! I definitely made it look a lot sexier than it seems. 😛
I agree with you though, it’s definitely not something you need – just something that you may want. 🙂
I laughed at the DSi LL as well. It’s just crazy. I think that Nintendo makes some weird choices sometimes. I like the look of the DS Lite more than the DSi or the LL. I think DSi is feature complete, and should be the definitive one to get at the moment. I just don’t like the matte finish design, and the fact that it refuses to load bootleg games (if you unknowingly buy a bootleg off of ebay, or if you buy a preowned that might be a bootleg, you’re screwed and it’s not even your fault!). DSi LL is just ridiculous IMO.
The emulator is actually a standalone GBA ROM that you pre-load with NES ROMS before compiling into a ROM. So yeah, after you compile a ROM, you just copy it onto the flash card and run it like any flashcard GBA game.
I haven’t been using my flashcard in a long time now though – I had formatted it years ago, and had only this NES emulator running on it for the longest time. lol!
Woa this special edition looks hawt! Never get a chance to find one in Europe, only the normal ones T_T
Great snap of Rei ridding it hehe ^^
oh dang! That’s right! The North American release of this Micro was just that, North American only! Yeah, looks like you guys got the shaft. :\
Do they still sell Micros in Europe?
They do, but only the normal colored ones. No special edition ^^
This 20th anniversary edition looks just unique and makes all others so plain, huhu.
LOL I like that last photo 🙂
Interesting post! The Rei fits nicely on the gameboy 😉
I didn’t imagined it to be so small seeing the firsts photos… it’s after comparison to PSP-Micro i said : Wow it’s very small! Still the screen quality looks amazing. I only have a DS and i’m fine with it BUT if this version is released one day in Europe maybe i’ll fell for it because i deeply like the design and shiny color.
Congrats for this buying. 😉
Judging from how poorly it did in North America, it seems to me that the Micro has been discontinued. The only places you can find it now are in corners of retail stores at discount prices, or (rarely) on ebay, for much more expensive.
Never heard about this ! How is that possible !
But anyway, i won’t probably buy something like that but mainly because of time issue. I have a DS already and i don’t play with it that often.
Since i don’t have the time to finish new games i probably not going to finish old games …
It looks sexy though ^^
Is that an official Nintendo product ?
It’s possible if it was never released in Europe. Lu-k seems to claim otherwise, so it might have been a very limited run.
Time is definitely a factor. For me, I rarely play GBA games anymore too. It’s just the slickness factor, and the collector impulse in me that made me buy this so many years back. 🙂
It indeed is official Nintendo. 😀
Wow, old school lol. Especially since its Famicon lol. It’s a bit weird to see pixels again after so long. I remember having the octopus game back in the day, can’t even remember the name of it lol. I wonder what happened to it ^^;;.
Nice Grab! ^_^ Very slick and shiny! Looked like a harmonica ^_^
Haha nice. 🙂 I remember I had a red and silver harmonica too! 😀
Rei’s ass: making everything you might not like into WHERECANIGETONEOFTHOSE
I’m not much of a nostalgic/retro gamer (played game stays that way, usually) so I don’t really have a desire to get one of these. I remember the announcement when it first came out, but since like you said there where other ways to play GBA/DS games already of which I had all… Plus I LOVE big screens, I think PSP is the epitome of screens, both in quality and size for a handheld (Too big would cancel the main reason of getting a portable system) so micro didn’t catch my eye. I do have to agree it looks delicious with its retro Mario theme and the color scheme is quite pretty. I wish the DS had this scheme than the plain old black/red one I got.
I have to agree with you, the PSP is sexy. I’m quite sad that it’s fallen from grace. It has so much potential of being kickass!
I think I remember the black and red DS. Oh you should really upgrade to at least a DS Lite. The screen difference is so worth it. Games look SO MUCH better on it!!
The best potential it has now is being hacked and putting videos into it XD
I was thinking of getting a DSXL, since it’s basically a DSi but bigger (the more differences with the second gen one, the better)
BTW I thought you’d find this interesting since it looks a lot like the Game Boy Micro:
There’s one thing you should be concerned about if you’re getting an DSi or DSXL – there is copy protection on it. If you somehow unknowingly buy a bootleg DS game, either through Ebay, or preowned from some game store, you’re screwed. If you’re worried about that, get a regular DS Lite.
Wow! Those are Game and Watch systems! They’re like the first ever portable gaming devices. Probably before your time. But I had a lot of fun playing those games. 🙂
Erm how old do you think I am? ^^U
Hmmmm… I’m guessing, 21? 22 even. You might have played a Game and Watch when you were a kid, maybe not?
Look up the history of Game and Watch, and tell me it’s not before your time!
I brushed off the Micro when it was announced since I thought it was unecessary. Now I kind of want one…but I don’t really need one. My GBA SP still works like a charm, as does my original GBA. The Micro does look pretty swanky, though…
I’m repeating history by brushing off the DSi handhelds. In fact, I’m boggled that there are so many different versions of the DS available. Nintendo really needs to cool it with the redesigns. (I still plan on getting a DS-Lite one of these days for Pokemon trading purposes)
Micro is definitely smexy that’s for sure. 🙂 Especially this one because it’s all shiny and everything. The other Micros tend to look a bit too plastic-y for my taste.
The only reason I’d say to get a Micro is for the screen. Though it is smaller, it DOES look better than a GBA-SP. I did wish that it looked as good as the SP2 though.
You did say you were a late adopter, and I too have brushed off the DSi and DSiXL or whatever it’s called. You’re right – Nintendo should chillax with the constant redesigns. Sega was notorious for doing that, and we all know what happened there! Definitely consider getting a DS-Lite or DSi.
It’s always great to see someone appreciating the GBA Micro. I bought mine when it first came out as it was the time in my life that I was casually collecting Nintendo hardware. I didn’t get this Famicom edition though. It looks cool, but I opted for the black version. I even spent extra money to get the black faceplate to fit the body! I definitely love the screen and it’s really portable which is always nice not to mention the blue lit start and select buttons!
You bought one too?! Nice! I had considered getting a full black one too, but the Famicom edition caught my eye and made up my mind. 🙂
I love the light-up buttons. Do you still play yours? I think the last GBA game I finished on it was Zelda Minish Cap. What an awesome game.
The whole time I was reading through the post, I was just waiting to get to the porn. The last image did not disappoint at all.
lol NICE.
But don’tcha get it? It’s totally porn! Explicit shots from different angles, close-ups, titillating text, ooh just thinking about it makes me want to lick it!
Got mine in black GB micro back 2008 but wasn’t able to play much.. just got the handheld for lulz. Just recently got me a PSP Go but only for music and anime-on-the-go as there isn’t any cfw out yet, still using PSP 1000 for gaming.
Nice job on the PSP Go! I would have gotten a white one, but that’s my taste. I do hope CFW will come out for it. I’ve already bought a lot of PSP games, and I don’t want to rebuy them.
Nyahaha! Love the Rei sitting on the Micro XD
Yeah, the famicom edition is a beauty! I’ve got the Happy Mario version as well and play it every day.
Just a ordered a full black version on eBay as well. And a link cable! 🙂
Nice! What are you going to use the link cable for? I can’t recall there being very many multiplayer games for the GBA.
Well, these for sure:
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Bomberman Tournament
Advance Wars
Mr Driller 2
And maybe some:
Contra Advance – Alien Wars EX
Medal of Honor Infiltrator
Final Fight One
oh man i must find one !!
i couldn’t resist picking one up after going through the neogaf thread. too bad i can’t sign up so i can express my <3 for it with all of you ;(
ah well… at least you’re lovin’ your micro, and that’s important. 🙂
I know that it takes an incredibly long time for neogaf to approve people. It’s deliberate to prevent spammers.
^ Indeed it’s a strict sign up system but it’s probably best this way since it’s apparently one of the top gaming forums
Unfortunently, I’m unable to sign up at this time due to currently only having access to free email accounts, though I’d still like to contribute to the thread since it’s one of the key factors for the purchase of my 2 GBM’s.
If you don’t mind, I’ll leave this link here to my photos for you and anyone who can find the time & interest to post a few of them up in the Neogaf GBM thread
Peace =]
Boo unfortunately*