So a new year, a new change-up. I’ve been wanting to do an overhaul for a while now, but hadn’t. Now was as good a time as any. If you haven’t seen my collection last year, click here. These pics are taken with my Canon 18-55 kit lens.
Actually, this is the second collection shift since the last time I posted back in . As you can see here, this was my Halloween Theme. It stuck around through the new year.
Outside of that, there were other significant changes, which I documented before this change-up, but figured just one post would be enough.
Definitely Halloween themed. I don’t know why Professor Layton was there drinking tea, but it seemed to add to the humor.
Help us! Help us!
One of the biggest changes however, was that I moved my den from one room to another. The storage room became my new den, and the old den turned into a guest bedroom.
As such, I turned my “Shelf of Shame” into a useable, significant shelf for my figures. My nendoroids moved there, on the middle shelf.
You can see in the back that I have a display set too, given to my by my friend, Thomas Arashikage.
Since it was time for a change, I opened up my closet and dug up a whole slew of boxes of figures. There are tonnes everywhere! Some of them have been in storage for several years, while others, only for a short while.
You can kinda tell which figures got “the box”.
Things were so crazy, even the good Professor had to retire into hiding.
Apologies, my good sir, but that is the last tea you’ll be sipping for a long time.
The result of the move was very satisfying. These pics are taken with my 18-200 Sigma lens.
I had done away with the crowds of figures everywhere, and adopted the “less is more”. The problem of course is that now, most of my figures are in storage now, and they’re DAMN hard to get out.
This is the top right shelf, where the Tony/Shining figures used to be. It got extra crowded when I put in Xecty Military version too. Gone! They were so easy to pack too.
I feel really happy about this dual-BRS setup.
Directly beneath is my newly acquired Kureha from Kotobukiya, and my long-time favorite Kureha Max Factory version. She was originally in my living room shelf. The dual-character theme continues…
This used to be the FF shelf, turned Tony/Shining shelf.
My Saber Maid was also moved from the living room to the next shelf down, and took the two Range figures from the Shelf of Shame to here.
The triangle balance is nice, and the low profile doesn’t disrupt Saber.
Originally, this was the Military Weapons shelf.
I’ve stopped calling this the “bottom feeder” shelf now because I do love these figures.
Alvis Hamilton got moved down here. I originally wanted to have her with the other two Range Murata figures, but they took up too little space. :\ Now, this is the remnants of the left bottom shelf moved to the right.
Sephiroth disappeared, and so did a few other figures.
Now, to the top left shelf, Asuka on Motorcycle has finally been dethroned, and replaced with a beautiful pair from Odin Sphere – Gwendolyn and Mercedes. The giant ring and chain were added. If I recall correctly, the Odin Sphere was actually a ring…? Anyway, that’s why I put it there.
Originally where Supercell Miku resided. I had put GSC Miku with her once, and then switched to Nendoroid Miku, and now they’re all gone!
It seems that these two make an excellent pair (since they’re from the same series).
Originally the European Weapons theme, now only Saber Gift stands. Looks like she owns the place now.
The beauty of this figure is now brought out even more with her being on her own. There’s so much to look at for this incredible figure!
I’m so glad I held out on buying my first Saber figure until this was announced.
The bottom shelf. Now that I think about it, I never took a picture of the bottom shelf the last time! I can’t even remember what was there. Bunny Haruhi takes center. Because of the angle she’s at, she’s nicely viewable from higher up.
An overall “map” of my two Detolfs. You can truly see how clean it looks now compared to the original state it was in.
This shelf used to be the frilly dress themed shelf in my living room. I removed those and put a bunch of Miku figures here. And I keep telling people that I’m not a Miku fan!!
I’m not!!
Since Kureha and Saber Maid were moved, this freed up the left shelf for my frillies. Now it’s more guitar themed again, with Rin added to the pack.
To the den, this is my new lower shelf. The nendoroids are gone, Gothic Devil Girl is gone, and now my new figures are in.
The new top shelf. The Lineage II mage managed to survive the move yet again, and now my favorite golfer is on display again. Also Claire and KOS MOS Version 4.
The exceptionally detailed KOS MOS was boxed since she arrived years ago, and only got to see light recently. Claire STILL looks incredible even after all these years of figure advancement.
You didn’t think I’d pack all my Nendoroids did you? Welcome to what used to be the Shelf of Shame. I had since gotten a new dedicated three-tier display case for my nendoroids, and oh look! Some petites!
You may recognize CDS’s BRS shot glass. ๐
The shelf above the Nendoroids. This was the perfect height/viewing angle for this Fabulous Five, and introduces my new Buddy figure. Senhime takes center stage, and color coordinates with everyone else on the shelf. The variety of weapons is also nice.
Placing them in a V formation also adds depth and interest. In intend to replace the Shiraki figures with a couple of other preoders later, for even more color coordination. You’ll see who it is in future! ๐
Top shelf. The two Sakura Shinguji figures are here to stay. I am never going to pack those up. Haruhi joins the fray, purchased from my good friend Shinohai.
From here, any figure that you don’t see from my previous My Collection post, you can assume has been put in storage, or had already been sold.
Here are some fun close-up shots using my new Canon 50mm prime.
I think I should have used auto focus though…
I like how different the two Kureha figures are – one is kinda moe-cute, the other one is more serious and elegant.
Mercedes peeks from the side.
It’s unfortunate that I had to put this pair at a lower shelf. That’s one thing I don’t really like about Detolfs. They’re not high enough. The top shelf is at eye level, which is slightly too low for my tastes. Plus the shelves aren’t adjustable. There’s just too much empty space for a 1:8 scale.
I like this shot. ๐
If you recall, this is a gift from Shinohai for a birthday long ago.
The one thing I do like about a prime lens is the awesome bokeh you can get.
Newly acquired Alicia Melchiotte. I’m a huge Valkyria Chronicles fan if you didn’t already know. Originally, I was on the fence about her because of her lack of detail. But my zombie consumeristic tendencies gave in.
When she arrived, I was surprised at how well crafted the figure is. The lines are clean, and there is actually good detail in it. She actually looks better than the prototype. So I’m glad I got her.
All in all, the move was a hell of a lot of work, but quite satisfying when done. Throughout the whole ordeal, I was thinking to myself “I have way too many figures.” I really don’t want to do this again, but with the way things are going right now, it doesn’t seem like that can be avoided.
I was making mental notes throughout on which figures I really really liked, and which figures were just ‘ho-hum’ to me at this point. The stupid thing was there weren’t a whole lot of ‘ho-hum’ figures, and those that were, I don’t know how much interest there would be for sales.
Seems like the last time I posted my collection was January of last year!
Oohh how I have been anticipating for this blog! I am currently starting up my collection of figures and the way you photoshoot them just makes it that more fun. These collection blogs are great for reference to what to buy
Hey Marti_T!
Good to hear that you’re starting up a collection! You’ll be happy to know that I’m selling a bunch of my old figures, so do check back often, in the Shop section to see what I’ve got listed!
Wow. A fantastic collection you have there. Diggin’ the nice photography as it really brings out how lovely the figures look.
I don’t have much figures right now (due to money and school), but I love all the figures I have. Always nice to see another collection from someone else. Nice stuff man.
Hearing that you love all the figures you own makes me glad. Seriously, it does. When you get to my stage of figure collecting, it’s really hard to enjoy your figures like you used to. My Collection posts that I do are my way of appreciating them, which at this count, seems to only happen once a year! O_o;
I should try the rotating figures thing, right now I have a handful of figures still seating in their boxes because I have no room to display them.
I have come to the conclusion that one can have way too many figures. Not only in quantity and therefore space but also when displayed. I never been a fan of display areas with high density of figures I find that ends up hurting my enjoyment as my focus goes all over the place.
Oh no, Miette-chan! You’ve gotten to that point now? Trust me, it’s easy to do at the start, but as you buy more figures, it becomes increasingly difficult. ๐
My collection display last year was way crowded. It worked okay when it was themed though, but it got out of hand after a while anyway. This year, I’m going for a more simplified look. It seems I’m doing everything I can to simplify my life every which way! ๐
You’re totally right – when things get too crowded, it’s hard to focus and enjoy the figures.
Omg O.o thats a …. nevermind.
im jealous lol of your collection XD
nice change around i especially love the idea of putting the lights on the brown shelf.
luckily for me i dont have that problem with rotating figures or putting them away since i dont have a big collection well i only started collecting intensively last year.
and yes Alicia looks great!
Fabrice, I guess you could say I have an impressive collection, but it’s really nothing to be jealous about. You know how people envy the rich, yet the rich sometimes say they are not happy? This is kinda like what I’m at right now. The “Why Do You Buy” blog post pretty much covers what I mean, I guess.
Take my advice – be very careful with your purchases, and make conscious decisions to buy figures only if you REALLY want them. ๐
Installing the Ikea LACK shelf lighting was… “interesting”. Can’t say it was difficult, but can’t say it was easy either. But it definitely was fun!
Oh hey, aren’t you glad that there’s no flooding in your area? :O
As much as I would love to have all these figures, two problems:
No space to display. (I rent apartments and are constantly moving.)
Way too expansive.
The only thing I keep around is my Taiga figure and Alter’s Mio figure on my desk. Since you know more about figures, my Taiga for some reason can’t really stand on her plate anymore, do you know any method of still attaching and making her stand? Her hair’s too heavy that she keeps falling backwards and is impossible to stand by herself.
Trust me, your two problems are what’s saving you from grief. Moving those figures around was not fun. Well, okay it was kinda fun, but damn a lot of work!
Which Taiga figure are you referring to? Perhaps you can refer to my other blog posts on figure care? Contact me if you’re still having troubles!
You have quite the collection ^^
Wanna ask tho, You like Gift’s Saber Default Face better than the more “anime” one?
P.S. I dunnoe why but some of the older comments made on your other posts aren’t showing up D=
o rly? Maybe something is broken. ๐ I hope not!
Yeah, I do like the default face more than the anime one. I really like how unique it looks compared to all the other Saber faces out there. It doesn’t look so generic, and IMO fits this version of Saber very well.
What about you? What do you think?
I personally Think it’s unique, but really not my cup of tea. =/
However Their New Saber Lily has a very elegant Default Face ^^, too bad I’m broke TT_TT
hmm that’s too bad. But to each their own. Most people don’t seem to like this face either.
Already preordered the new Sabe Lily Gift. Less than 30 seconds after seeing it. A zombie I be…
I have to be honest, I have never liked the gift saber figures and the face is one of the reasons why.
Having said that, I do have to admit that the Saber extra version GK by the same sculptor does work really well with the look!
Not really sure why you’re not fond of the Gift Saber faces. Could you pinpoint it? I mean the rest if the figure has incredible detail. To not get this kind of figure because if her face must have some sort of strong reasoning behind it.
Impressive collection and many figures are placed so well in the shelf. This makes me want to get my own figures as well. But still i can’t afford the prices even for only one. For example new BRS figure approximately need 37 dollar, but if convert to RM (Malaysia Riggit), it need RM111!!!! Surprisingly expensive to a student like me…..== Maybe i will get the figures i like in the future, hope them don’t disappear with the time…
Oh ya, when compared with the collection post last year, this year decreased so drastically. What happen to other figures that you post last year???
37 for BRS? You should be careful that it’s not a bootleg. Unless you’re talking about Figma version.
Yes there are definitely less figures this time around. The ones you don’t see are packed away or have been sold. Most are packed away.
I am blown away by your collection. Most impressive.
Wow what an awesome display!
I would love something like that for myself but i just dont have the room im a bit of a clutter bug myself – this post has inspired me to get cleaning and make a decent display myself! c:
It was also fun browsing your collection over this post too haha
I don’t recall you posting your collection, or am I mistaken? I’d like to see it someday! Clean display is good. ๐
I like the way you have only some of your figures on display now
the arrangement looks nice as well ๐
I have not as many figures as you but from time to time Im a bit scared that it could look too cramped in my 2 rooms.
rotating the figures and putting some figures back in the box is a good way to prevent that.
sometimes especially when looking at my upcoming preorders it makes a bit nervous how long Im able to collect figures before I will really run out of space.
Sounds like you’re eventually going to fall onto the same dillema as I’m in… I sometimes get a little afraid too when I look at my preorder list. Obviously can cancel some but it’s hard to do and still doesn’t solve the problem.
I definitely like the cleaner look for sure!
Simply wow…!
Haha, must’ve been hard keeping track of each figure while you switched them around. XD You could probably bury yourself underneath them.
Yeah it is a little hard to keep track of. Sometimes I don’t remember where I put my figure box and either have to dig for it or just leave the figure on display until it turns up or something.
Yay for the Shinguji Sakuras!! I really should cycle through my figures. My PVC shelf still have the same figures on them as last year, and the year before that, and the year prior!! I do still love them though. Triggerheart Excelica was the figure which made me announce that I wouldn’t think twice about owning an Alter figure which catches my eye!
I’ve got a whole extra room to play around with now but I don’t know what I can actually do with it yet so everything is still all over the place and newer figures are in their boxes. I should at least get another detolf. Then I would have a shelf or 2 just dedicated to Sheryl Nome!!
The Sakura Shinguji figures are always on display for a reason. ๐ Search my blog to find out why! xD
That’s pretty cool to hear you have a whole extra room! How did that come to be?
a lot of work to manage that collection ^^; but i fancy your nendo display :3 also let me take care of those ho hum figures! haha
im kinda in the same boat but on a smaller scale. most of my nendo/figma are in a plastic bin because of limited display space. but i still take them out regularly for temp display and to make stories. my PVCs on the other hand are being neglected since they take up more space… i want to sell a few of them also since i have no way of displaying them ๐
neglected figures in bins?! well when you have limited space that inevitably happens I guess. And with PVC figures, since they don’t do much, they can get easily neglected. What figures were you planning to sell?
I’ve been shifting stuff around recently too, but not figures. I promised myself not to open any new figures until I made some room to store their boxes so I’ve been moving things around for a while. Today I finally got around to opening some figures that I had gotten several months ago.
Ohh! That’s an interesting promise. I’ve still got my WF K On Mio and Ritsu nendoroid set boxed up. No room to open… But still missing the other set anyway.
I really love the minimalistic look. I think that’s really hard to pull off for many people who are in our line of ‘business’ so to speak… So kudos on the arrangement!
When I started out collecting, my Detolf wasn’t nearly as crowded, but now I barely have room to accommodate new additions. It feels more like I am just trying to cram as many figures in there, so it’s starting to hurt the overall presentation unfortunately. Your new set up inspires me to rearrange my area too. Will have to come up with ways to efficiently store figures…or maybe some more creative ways to display them. Hmmm.
Though I do struggle with the idea of having to box some figures up. *sigh*
One way that eased me into the minimalist look was by first pulling out all my figures from one shelf and putting them on the floor. I then picked out three figures that I thought would look good together and placed them on the shelf to test. Try it out! You may have fogotten how good your figures looked on your shelf when there were fewer of them!
Awesome new setup for your figures. I kind of envy all the available shelf space you have because I don’t have display shelves in my room T_T;
I particularly love your new nendo shelf and the setup of your detolf shelves X3
Relatively speaking, it’s not a whole lot of shelf space at all! Now most of my figures are in boxes stored in my closet…
Happy you like my nendo shelf! The 3-tier display piece is called Apex.
You’re moving room so might as well rotate figures around at the same time! Interesting. I know you’ve been rotating figure displays for some time but it’s always interesting to see how you do a new roatation every time. It must have taken a lot of time and effort to do!
While I haven’t boxed away too much of my stuff, it’s a good thing for displaying as seen from your photos, because having things too cluttered can ruin the look and how to get one to stand out well as they are all jumbled into one huge mess. Getting the effort to move things around is worth the effort!
wow, liking the new set up, I also think less is better too^^” these days
I tend to keep on one shelf, the figures from the same series but now I got too many figures so it’s all cluttered up in my detolf
I could never store away my figures like you can^^” (most likely since I have to throw away my boxes)
WOW that’s a lot of figures. I don’t know what I’ll do if I had that many… plus I don’t think I have room for all of them. Just wondering, what do you do with some of your figure boxes? Do you keep them most of the time? Have you ever recycled them?
I suppose to some that may look like a lot of figures. I’ve seen some peoples’ collections that make mine look like chump change.
I usually store my figure boxes in their original state, in my closet. I never throw them away, and even keep all the associated plastic sheets. Mainly to protect the figures during transport and during my rotating of them while they’re in storage. And also, it helps when I decide to sell them.
I had thought about getting rid of the packaging, but since I have too many figures to begin with, and am forced to store some, this becomes moot. I really do need the boxes around.
Unlike most collectors I actually got rid of all of my figure boxes because…well…they were taking up a RIDICULOUS amount of space. I mean ‘about 2/3rds of the closet’ kind of space. So I trashed ’em…and then sorta regretted it when it came time to move. I had to individually wrap each figure in bubble-wrap. That took WAY longer than it should have!
I’m also in a ‘later stage’ of figure collecting…in that my collection is rather large and I’m just not finding many new figures that catch my eye. My passion for them is also not as strong as it used to be (though current prices are a major reason)
Yeah, they really do take up a heck of a lot of space! I’m in the same scenario as you right now, but I am dedicated to keep the boxes because I know that I’ll regret it later otherwise. Looks like you found that out the hard way. ๐
Bubble wrapping would take a while yes, but actually, it does take a fair bit of time putting them back in the box too, especially if it’s a figure that requires a bit of assembly (like the BRS Anime version). Takes a bit to take it apart. ๐
You and I are in the same “later stage” too. Which is probably why I’ve started selling more of my figures, even some of the good ones! *gasp*. I think my passion is still strong, I just ran out of space. ^^; But you’re right, I’m looking at figures with a much more critical eye nowadays. I’m sure a lot of other figure collectors are in the same boat too.
Price hasn’t ever really been an issue for me, but it is starting to be, so I can see where you’re coming at with that.
Any plans for the future in your figure collecting hobby then?
I still love Clare too. I admit sometimes I outgrow some figures and find them new homes, but there are still lots of older figures that still keep me in awe. I love my Gwen/Mercedes combo, although I have them on different shelves. But QQ poor Professor Layton, I’m surprised you put him away already, I feel like I only recently got mine. I have a lot of the same figures as you in my “collection spots of honor”. At some point I’d like to take more pictures of my collection. I spent a Saturday a few weeks ago re-arranging the collection and it’s almost just how I want it.
I agree. There are some that just have a personal attachment! lol!
Yup, the good professor is going to take a bit of a nap. Forcefully. lol!
I’ve had him sipping his tea since his initial release, so about half a year ago now, I guess? No! Longer! omg how time flies!! It’s been over a year now! Yes, Layton, time to rest your tired hand. That tea cup was heavy. ๐
I would love to see a post on your new arrangement!
Love the idea of having themes for the arrangement of your collection. ^^
Thanks. ^^ I guess this year’s isn’t as theme-y as it was last year, but it does look very clean. Maybe if more figures start coming around, it will start to crowd again and I’ll need a theme. lol!
If I may ask, did you create the display of the more sexy Miku that’s on the picture frame and checkered cloth? If so, that’s pretty awesome! How’d you do it? It looks like it’s at an angle…? Was it glued? :0
no, that’s the World Is Mine Miku. It’s pretty sweet. ๐
The Miku is actually magnetic, so it just stays right in.