Finally, the last Shuraki figure. It’s been a long haul, and many exciting e-tailer camp-outs, but I’m glad that I have all five of the 1st-run Shuraki figures. The style of Rize matches Shall very well. Of course, what’s the point of me posting pictures if they aren’t photoshopped? Onward!!
I quite like Rize. She’s got some interesting characteristics on her. The most obvious is her color. To start, I’m not fond of it. She’s mostly monotone, and because of the darker nature of it, tends to fade out from brigher figures like Shall and Mei Feng. However, because of her style and design, these colors fit her very well. The halberd she carries is the best looking weapon out of all the Shuraki figures, in my opinion, mainly for the sheer size of it. It just looks damn imposing in a shot like this. In fact, I liked this shot so much that I decided to make a second background using one that I had intention to use for Shall:
I might still use it for Shall when I get a chance. But right now, Rize is the star.
I really like the facial expression she has. It’s very gentle and calm. Not what you’d expect from a girl carrying a giant halberd in a gravity defying position. But out of all 5 Shuraki figures, she’s the one that doesn’t look like she’s out to kick your ass.
The detailing in the ruffles are amazing! (what do you think I’m talking about?!) Technically, if she was really holding the halberd that way, she would break her wrists, and twist her fingers. Fortunately, her breasts are holding the halberd up. I couldn’t get the staff to rest on her left hand because her boobs were too big!! I love how there is an engraved design on each of those little ruffle things.
Nice details on the boots. They’re shiny! What can I say about boots? That’s about it.
Her midsection has the most detail on the entire figure. Leather straps, string-tied corset, lace, buckles, rings, buttons, it’s totally awesome there!! Very well done. The seam to pull her top off is very well hidden too.
Again, I must emphasize how much I love this angle. Shlooom!! You’re dead. If that’s the last thing you see, that’s a pretty good way to go.
And finally, yet another photoshop version!
I don’t know why, but recently, I’ve been really loving the high contrast images with dark-blue shadow hues. It totally throws off the white balance, but when applied only to the main object of focus, really pops the character off the background. This image is definitely my favorite one from all the other Rize shots.
Well… I have a backlog of figures to post, so stay tuned for Asuka on Motorcycle, and Konata Nendoroid (that one will be special, if Miku gave you any hints of what’s to come).
In the meantime, I’ll be updating the look of my website again, and try to streamline it to look more professional.
I should receive mine today, bought needa too hehe
i like rize02
rize03 contrast is too high for me
Nices pics ! The first is my fav ^^
I just got Nida and now I’m waiting for Rize to complete this first serie ^^
Mine on the way home too ^^
I am not sure if Rize will be able to defeat Char who is still my favorite, but that spear, those blue outfits and hair have a lot of chance… but it will be hard ^^;
Love rize01 picture. Colors look right in this one, and bring a special atmosphere. Nice done once again Radiant! ;]
Ruffles are awesome xD, little details like that make a great figure. The boots are nice and shiny ;p. The hair looks pretty good as well. Girls that wield huge weapons are always good, if they have huge boobs then it swings in the same direction as the weapon…a deadly combo for any guy xD.
Another big breasted girl XD. Shuraki line is awesome and I only have one which is Akatsuki, probably will get the others probably won’t. Your photoshop skills still amaze me, did you already made a tutorial for these things or not? Can’t remember it exactly
This one is the other Shuraki girl I got, well it’s still in transit. I like that Rize02.