Since my birthday draws near, I’ve compiled a list of facts that made me feel old, and will make you feel as old as me, or at least make you say “woah that’s crazy!”
1. The manga Ghost In The Shell was published TWENTY-TWO years ago:
2. The movie, SIXTEEN years ago
3. The first SAC aired in 2003 EIGHT years ago
4. Princess Mononoke’s release date:
5. The last Azumanga episode aired in:
6. The manga was released in 1999.Β Chiyo Chan was 8 years old then.
7. If she aged, this year she would be:
8. Yotsuba first appeared in 1998.Β She was 4 years old then.
9. If Yotsuba aged, this year she would be:
10. Card Captor Sakura was first serialized FIFTEEN years ago.
11. If Sakura aged, she would be a gorgeous:
12. Chobits serialized in 2001.
13. Sailor Moon was released in North America in 1995, SIXTEEN years ago.
14. Serena’s voice actress, Tracey Moore is now 51 years old.
15.Tokyo-Pop stopped printing Sailor Moon 6 years ago.
16. RadiantDreamer has been around for 5 years.
17. RadiantDreamer’s mascot “Melody” first appeared in 2008.
18. Bullets were flying in Touhou Project FIFTEEN years ago.
19. (manga):
20. Hello Kitty is 37 years old.
Okay, so maybe she doesn’t quite need a rocker yet… But if you’ve know Hello Kitty all your life, that’s how much older you are.
21. Flamboyantly colored Mighty Morphin Power Rangers aired in North America EIGHTEEN years ago.
22. This is what the Red Ranger looks like now.
23. Amy Jo Johnson was 23 at the time she played as the spunky teenaged Pink Ranger:
24. Her current age:
25. Popular Fate Stay Night came out 7 years ago.
26. The first Haruhi publication was older:
Just 3 years after the Y2K scare!
27. But neither could top the first publication of Naruto:
28. When Naruto debuted, he was 12 years old. Today he would be:
29. To Aru Majutsu no Index first published in:
30. Evangelion first aired SIXTEEN years ago.
31. If Asuka Langley aged, that cute little red-head would be:
32. Read or Die came out 11 years ago.
33. Death Note comes close. Its first publication was EIGHT years ago in 2003.
34. The final volume was released FOUR years ago. Will L ever die?!
35. Guitars to the head OVER A DECADE AGO in 2000 with FLCL (Fooly Cooly)
36. Spike began stealing from people’s pockets in Cowboy Bebop in 1998. THIRTEEN years ago.
37. The final episode aired TWELVE years ago.
I hope you feel as old as I do right now… π
I was going on fine until the Power Rangers one, I distinctly remember watching it’s initial airing.
“Go Go Power Rangers!! Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangerrrrs!”
You know the evil queen in that show? I actually know her, and she’s a really hot model. ^^
It’s strange how Power Rangers got you, but 22-year old Ghost in the Shell did not.
Oh man same here i was fine till i saw power rangers rangers i still have my green ranger figure and then white ranger π
and i had a thing for the rita repulsa π lol
and Ghost in the shell ive always argued with a friend bout it, she claims that trinity from the matrix was based on some character in some book i always argue that she was based on Motoko Kusanagi…it always ends in violence lol
how do you think i feel i found out that the stunt double for the red ranger was the janitor at my school o.O
Holy shmoke…im so old as GITS D: … but this post makes me feel nostalgic… kinda wanna watch GITS, NGE and all the others again. That was a great time…
hahaha I know right?! We are OLD!!
Yeah. *sigh* -o-
I still remember when I was …11? and watched EVANGELION for the 1st time, and became addicted o_Γ΄/
at least working in the game industry makes you feel young (a least my imagination lol )
You’re totally right about working in the games industry. Truthfully, I look at my peers who have gone to do other things like accounting or business or whatever, and they seem so much more mature than me even though they are the same age. I still feel like a kid. (and probably act like one too)
Haha yeah. Well here in my company im the youngest one O_o (but there some who’re 10years older but even more simple minded lol)
I know what you mean about feeling old, although I’m not sure how old you really are ;). I can recall using DOS way back in the 90s prior to any of this graphical interfaced operating system thing-a-majiggy.
I may be rather recent on anime/manga (Started in 2005 I think it was) but prior to such I was a rather hardcore gamer at times. This was in my youth primarily though. Oh, and it also doesn’t mean that I haven’t delved into series before 2005, because I’ve also watched a good 1/2 that were mentioned at least ;).
I can recall the many developers that ‘died’ over the years. Many of my favorites are no longer around with people probably not even remembering so much as their name. Not to mention many of my favorite titles are referred to as ‘old’ or ‘ancient’ haha.
Damn, I’m starting to feel old just thinking about it >,<.
How old am I though?.. no comment π (I give it away on my youtu… *runs away*). I'll give you at least a rough indication though: I'm a child of the 80s.
Take care! π
I remember DOS! I was good at using it too! Messing around with what loaded into high memory and such to make games run hahaha.
Hmmm hardcore gamer eh? Then you might like my next post. ^^
I remember the days of my youth… those were the days… I know how you feel… and I feel OLD NOW lol
I know! DOS was fun to mess with. I remember tweaking the config.sys and autoexec.bat files to oblivion when I was… 6 or 7 I think. It helped a lot since my dad was into PCs since he was in his teens. Techy stuff slightly rubbed off on me, although it did more so to my brother.
I remember that back in those days I played around with Qbasic too haha π (If you happen to know what that is).
Geez, and here’s another one for the books. How many can honestly remember dealing with hard drives that had less than 500 megabytes on them or pre-gigahertz PCs. Now we have gigabytes of space (even terabytes) and still have space issues… there’s something wrong there :).
Damn, that old feeling is returning, best I leave it at that now :D.
Wow, messing with DOS when you were 6/7? That’s pretty impressive! Kids are so smart these days too!
I know what Qbasic is, but never used it. I learned to use Pascal, but w/e lol!
I remember holding in my hand, a 40MEG hard drive. I was like WOAH! You could fit 27 floppy disks on this!! (the HIGH DENSITY 1.44meg ones!)
LOL! Speaking about floppies, do you happen to remember the older 5 1/4″ or 8″ ones? I do >,,<
Back then I actually wrote (sometimes with my brother too) some games using Qbasic as well as some basic computational software and information storage. In fact, if memory serves it was a program I helped debug to help my mom with saving cooking recipes. Try that when you're 7 :).
Bah, too much recollection haha. I'll talk to you on MSN when you're available :). Else this post could go on for decades haha.
My…My youthfulness… what have you done to it?!
The Red Ranger looks a lot like someone i work with these days haha! Serioulsy thought reading this is amazing, Azumanga for example – It doesnt seem like a year ago i watched that and the same with Cowboy Bebop!
I know right?! Looking at these makes me go “HOLY CRAP IT’S BEEN THAT LONG ALREADY?!”
I’m between GitS and Duke Nukem (I played the original on DOS). Unfortunately the papers I read (I’m practically a grad student), a great deal came from the 90s (PHD is 14 years old, any readers out there?), along with being on first name basis with profs, and my GF being older than me by a few years, I’ve lost all sense of time (for example, I think my supervisor is young as he finished his PhD in 1999).
I don’t remember why I posted this, I’ve been reading stuff from the last century about bone marrow for the past six hours or more. Happy early birthday to you, I know something will be occupying my time when the actual date comes.
lol half of your comment didn’t make sense to me. Funny you should mention Duke Nukem though, since I had planned this to be a two-part post, with Duke Nukem being part of the second post. π
Oh man! I still remember it. Queen Rita then Lord Zedd.
Back then when i still an elementary school brat, power rangers always coloring my weekend. Ahh, good old time…
I`m still young (22?) but why suddenly i fell so old…
This post is bad! It`s like rising your perception of age like a rocket! (Speak of rocket, you don`t put Pokemon in here huh? It`s pretty classic, and Ash still taking shape of a “boy” duh~)
Also the banner… Yukari? Why did she looks so old compare to my oppai mousepad (happen to have one and it`s yukari). Lol~
Probably because, if memory serves, Yukari is one of the oldest if not the oldest characters in Touhou :). Her age doesn’t show!!… Seems to me she’s over a millennium old.
Erm… I just felt a chill… I’d best run away before she slips in behind me and Danmakus my ass into ob– (Message ends abruptly)
Could say that too, Yukari lives over a thousand years…
Udsahn? Where are you? (.LoL)
Hmm… was I a time traveler; an alien perhaps? No wait! An inter-dimensional being whom jumps from place to place! π
Okay, I kid. I’m just some random Radiant follower whom lives on the east coast of the USA :).
Lol, that`s quite something. XD
Well, i mean since Yukari somehow kidnap you i wonder why you`re not here anymore (probably she took you to somewhere in another dimension). But anyway, nice to meet you. Hahaha~
In case you were wondering, this is what she looks like normally.
Candice Kita
is that… Queen Rita`s true face?…
[Refuse to believe]
Thanks for making me feel like an old geezer, I remember when a lot of these came out π
Then again, I got into anime a lot earlier than most people so it’s not that bad… I think. “Serena” isn’t actually old enough to be my grandma though.
Hey misery loves company, and I like your company. π
I suppose she isn’t quite old enough to be your grandma, depending on how young your mother had you, I guess. But still 57 is pretty old. π
My birthday is coming up too. Thanks for making me feel old and wow I remember all those things too but never really thought about it.
I know eh? In a way, this is a good lesson in awareness and teaches you to treasure each moment, because it will be gone before you know it!
Thank you for posting this. It reminded me just how old I am. I remember when these all came out and am going to pushing 30 in a few years.
Even so, age is just a number. I’ll probably still be watching anime when I’m 50 years old. ^^;
Seconded. :3
Don’t worry, you’re making me feel old too. π
And you’re probably right, age is really just a number. π
I just turned 24 today, so it was really interesting reading this. XD The Power Ranger one really struck home since I distinctly remember watching it as a kid.
It seems a lot of people are struck by the Power Rangers fact. Probably because it was a huge part of their life.
Yeah, I’m up there as well… I first watched Ranma 1/2 way before I was 18, which was the age that Blockbuster would let you rent it. That was around mid 90’s when they were still on VHS. Looking at those titles above, makes me miss those days ^^;
I deliberately didn’t put in Ranma because I was going for things that are still kinda around right now, or something that a lot of people could identify with, such as Power Rangers and Ghost in the Shell. I remember the days of Ranma too. wow… I miss those days too…
Meh, you’re not THAT old. I watched Kimba the White Lion just a few years after it first came to North America. I was about 4 and it was my favourite show.
I also watched first release Star Blazers. And had Hello Kitty stuff in 1981.
LOLX!!! <— my 1st expression
After read this post didn't really make me feel old π Or maybe it is just because I am still an teenager??? Well, it is the fact anyway.
I quite surprised right after I saw those anime and manga characters has become quite old, not all but the age difference between in reality and in my mind is just TOO big.
Only some like cardcaptor Sakura, power ranger, Sailormoon and Hello Kitty don't really make me surprised though since I already know their publication date is in long time ago
And also some is still unknown for me since I only crazy on anime and manga with just 2-3 years ago.
p/s: the first old pic is quite horrifying.
And, an early Happy Birthday to you. Radiant. π
Yeah, since you’re still a teen, this doesn’t really apply to you. But it makes you wonder eh? Some of these series are older than you!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. π
Yup, i am wondering if Naruto can become my big bro…..LOL
But I wasn’t expected he is already 29 years old.
Omg….I feel really old reading your article lol…those good old anime. And what a really big change for that red ranger haha!!!
hahaha yeah Red Ranger really chubbed up after retiring from fighting the forces of evil. It’s pretty awesome that Pink Ranger still looks attractive, even after having a baby!
I feel old all of a sudden after reading this post, ahaha. Nevertheless, these anime series will forever be immortalized in my mind even as I grow older (I’m still young!).
P.S. Nice blog you’ve got!
That’s good to hear! Sometimes, seeing these makes me feel old, but at the same time, it makes me cherish “the good ol’ days”.
Thanks for visiting again! π
i remember in 98 – 99 walking in to my fav anime shop – Anime Crash – and seeing cowboy bebop on the screen for the 1st time, think i ended up buying the imports that same night a wall scroll and the import of sword of the berserk :D.
on that note i think im going to pop in my SAC soundtrack and fall asleep to it
Bebop definitely had a way of attracting people. The style is just too cool! π
yahhhhhh I started watching and reading manga like what, 5 years ago rofl xD
but power rangers was something I love, haha weird opening but loved the show it self,, gawd it makes me feel old now -.-;
I’m 15, btw π
don’t feel too old, but gez I didn’t know you were turning 37 soon, you look pretty young in your facebook display image, like in your late 20’s :L
it must be an asian thing then;
Hello Kitty FTW! XD
Fifteen? You’re still very young! I wouldn’t worry about feeling old then lol!
>_< I'm not turning 37! That would be too old!! XD
pretty crazy seeing all these facts that cant be disputed. before i knew what anime was, i loved power rangers. once my sister locked me out from the tv room when an episode was airing… i raged so hard! XD oh the memories… making me feel old!
the caption with little yotsuba cracked me up lolol
ah, I miss the good ol days too… but very often, I can’t remember the major events that happened surrounding these anime… it’s all just a single blur. That’s kinda too bad for me, I think… all of my after-school afternoons mushed into a single memory…
Scary since its like as old as me, or even older or WAAYYY older than me haha. scary indeed. but one thing o point out, Time flies…
ya time flies! :O
Yes time definitely does fly… But I have the perfect solution! Here take this it does wonders π *Hands flyswatter*
Wow, that does make feel sort of old. Seems like only yesterday I watched some of these series ^^ Very nostalgic timeline.
yeah! It totally is…
Please share!
damn u dont have to remind me of my age T_T and i lol-ed at the picture of epic fail saber figure
her name is Sader! XD
I would love to own one…
Happy birthday, Radiant! ^^
Ghost in the Shell movie was released 16 years ago? Wow. And Hello Kitty is 37?
Thanks for sharing this stuff and for reminding me how old I am. I hate you. Haha.
Thanks Xine! π
Please don’t hate me. >_<;
Gahd. Sailormoon, Power Rangers and Card Captor Sakura are my childhood (even though I only got to watch the entire CCS series and starting to marathon Sailormoon recently)
I definitely feel old now. =_=;
Although… I have yet to watch GITS until today.
I’m surprised though… Naruto came out for that long already? Makes me wonder about Bleach and One Piece.
I’m also wondering how long Meitantei Conan has been published. It’s definitely older than Naruto and the anime is already 16 years in the running IIRC.
yeah, they were pretty major parts of my exposure to anime and all that when I was younger too.
GITS is GOOD! But it will remind you of how short our lives are, and how you’ll wish for an eternal existence (or not).
Yeah, when I looked up these facts, I was pretty shocked at the Naruto one. Some of these totally blew me away. I definitely have a more intimate relationship with these facts than a lot of the younger readers here…
Man. Did u succeed OTL I feel old enough to be a grandpa now lol
lol! Hey grandpa! Let me show you my pokemans!
Power Rangers. That got me too; I remember watching it when it aired in Hong Kong.
This post reminds me that I really need to resume writing and eventually finish my history with anime post. Looking at those numbers makes things feel like time passes much quicker than I have thought sometimes. What makes things very impressive is how many of the voice actors are still doing the same role after so many years, like those in Evangelion, as well as those in Mobile Suit Gundam – Furuya Touru, the voice actor for Amuro Ray of Gundam, is still doing the same voice for games after 30 years. It’s crazy!
ACTUALLY I feel kinda young knowing I’m younger than Naruto, plus it’s kind of nice to realize that I’m the same age as Sakura π
I just looked it up and I THINK that Naruto came out in 1997 (14 years ago)
The Power Rangers pictures totally got me. (And the pink one was my favourite too!)
Kids these days certainly missed out on some pretty epic fandom.
lol yeah it seems to be the shocker for most everyone. It’s pretty incredible that the Pink Ranger still looks about the same as she did before.
Original Gatchaman 1972, American “Battle of the Planets” version 1978.
I’ll say that again: “Battle of the Planets” aired 33 years ago.
I’m perfectly aware of that, and other “original anime series” (see
Captain Harlock 1953. I’ll say that again, “Captain Harlock” aired 55 years ago.
I deliberately didn’t post about anime that was too old, because my target readers wouldn’t be able to relate, rendering this post ineffective.
If you’re gonna troll, do it right, like Speed Racer does.
you should include detective conan and voltes v π
Concerning your entry about Sailor Moon: Same thing goes for the original Seiyuus; those ladies are (arguably) all around 50 as well… and the Senshi themselves would be 34/35 (depends on whether you go by Manga or Anime continuity) by now^^
P. S: Today it’s Asuka Langley’s B-Day – just in case you didn’t know π
Oh wow really?! Things sure have changed over the past 20 years… nowadays, seiyuus have to be singers and attractive looking…
LOL! And my reply came two months later! You’re even older NOW than when you first posted your comment! π
ouch, right in the nostalgia
I don’t feel it, but I am so old.
guess i’d better pick out my grave plot and casket before my mind goes…
Ouch, I really feel old now. But what really rubs me the wrong way is how some people don’t even saw know these series and films but still are talking about them – damn, was EVA really so long ago?
Ja ne,
Wow. I do feel old, especially after power rangers. I remember the first time it aired, I was 7 or 8 years old, and I’d watch it while laying on the couch after getting ready for school, waiting for it to be time for me to leave and walk to the bus stop.
Many of these, I’m not familiar with, but Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, FMA, etc., all got to me.
Damn. I’m obaasan officially [Admin Edit for Privacy], when I will be [Admin Edit for Privacy]. MY LIFE IS OVEEERRR~! Who’s going to want an old woman like me? XD;
Hearts and Hugs,
PS: I take it someone has a thing for redheads? ;)~