So I decided to see if I could hack into the goodsmile servers, and managed to put a trojan virus in an email I sent to Danny. Danny apparently has access to the goodsmile ftp server, and one of the files I found on the goodsmile server was a prototype image of Mirai Nendoroid!
I wasn’t surprised, since Danny did mention that there could be potential for a Mirai Nendoroid depending on how well the Figma does. I didn’t expect that there’d be a prototype already though!
What do you think?
Well, to tell you the truth, there’s no way Danny would let a trojan virus get onto his system. Especially considering that I’m not a hacker, and he uses a mac. (which are immune to viruses lolololol).
What we have here, is me applying my photoshop skills for some fun. Basically, I took several nendoroid parts and composited them, and recolored them to make this Mirai nendoroid.
I’ve got a video of it being done below, but before you continue, care to guess what nendoroid parts were used?
Even though this was faked, wouldn’t it be nice if it was real? I’d buy a Mirai Nendoroid if she looked like that.
Y’know, I feel like giving something away from this post. Go to my facebook page at and click “like” for this associated post. (You have to become a fan first). I’ll pick one winner from there to give something to from my Totally Random Prizing stash.
Feel free to also share this post, just because it’s fun.
lol, clever :3
I’ll be sure to tweet this ^^
lol thanks that would be fun and awesome.
*waiting for Haruka waiting for Haruka waiting for Haruka waiting for Haruka waiting for Haruka waiting for Haruka waiting for you to Photoshop a Haruka Nendoroid* oUo
WAIT NO. I MEANT. *waiting for Kanata waiting for Kanata waiting for Kanata waiting for Kanata waiting for Kanata waiting for Kanata waiting for you to Photoshop a Kanata Nendoroid* oUo
Totally forgot that loli-meganeko takes precedence over loli-twintails. Godammit OniiKoto..the twintails had such impact. D;
I kinda like Haruka, actually. ^^
It’s definitely close to most nendoroid styles.
need moar boobs… lol
lol! Nendoroids don’t have boobs!
Yes, they do
Nice drawing, but I could tell a mile away that it looks like it’s been drawn, but still a nice rendition
Yeah, I remembered about Yoko as soon as I hit “reply”.
A mile away is pretty far.
Yes Nendos do have oppai~! They’re called Nendoppai. They’re rare though. Case in point: Nendoroid Yoko and Zange XD
ZANGE HAS BOOBS?! *shock* I never noticed!! Awww why did I pass up on Zange-chan nendoroid… ToT
Haha! I’m pretty sure you’ll get to come across her again one day! =D
maybe… I saw her at AFA X, but not for sale. She was a cutie I shouldn’t have passed up on. I mean I already got Nagi.
I wasn’t able to get Zange even though I have Nagi as well. LOL XD I’ll tell you if I get to spot her one day XD
Yes! Do let me know! But then you’ll probably snatch it up for yourself first, rite? haha
That’s pretty cool, I wonder if GSC can reuse the molds of the parts you used to make this Mirai nendo.
There are “some” modifications that would need to be made, but overall, if they did, it’d be damn easy to make a Mirai nendoroid.
That’s pretty unlikely, as molds are pretty much set as is. :\ I think they melt it down and remake them into new molds tho.
you’re right that they’re pretty much set. But I do doubt that they start entirely from scratch. They probably have certain basic parts molds that they make prototypes with, and just mod it from there.
Haha, you wish you were a h4x0rz. And I think it’s nice how all the parts from different nendoroids connected well with each other. Good job!
So awesome! haha maybe you should send your resume to GSC XDD
haha maybe I should! I’ll ask Danny for an introduction. But what would I be doing there?
haha designing their nendos! sorry bout the wrong reply tho >_>
heh heh that would be a pretty fun job actually.
If I was good at programming, I’d be in high demand! lolol.
It required quite a bit of “forcing” to get the parts to connect. ^^
Lol, I thought you actually got pics when I read the title. She looks good, but I think her hair should be a bit longer. The hair on my long-haired nendoroids usually reaches the bottom of their skirts.
yes! They are leaked! LEAKED! They’re NOT FAKE!!
I kinda used Shana’s hair length as a guide, actually. Oh wells. I was a bit sloppy with measuring it out. So far, the only one that I’ve seen with really long hair is Konata. She can stand without her stand. Everyone else seems to need the stand.
Pretty sure this might be the next April fools project that might come into fruition~ XD only you posted it too early!
I agree with Chun. Needs some nendoppai XDD
Yah… in retrospect, I should have hung onto the idea until April. But that’s FOUR MONTHS AWAY!! Well, 2 months, 10 days… but that’s still a long time when I’ve got my itchy trigger on the finger! >_<
Haha – Artists and math = totally were not made for each other.
On a slightly tangent note, MOAR 8008135:
Though, anyone with half a brain would know that about any products featuring Queens Blade…
Btw you may not be a very good hacker, or liar for that matter, but you are teh l33t PS haxor!
GWAAAAAH TOO MUCH 8008135!! And yeah, Queen’s Blade. lol
haha thanks for the compliment.
Haha! Well, I’m thinking that Mirai would eventually get nendroidized since she was already figmatized. XDD *is inventing words as she goes along*
I wonder if they’ll try getting your design as a reference =D
Well, that depends on how Figma Mirai does. Danny was mentioning at CGM that a certain number of Figmas have to sell before a nendoroid would be considered. Since we’re seeing a Puchi design, there’s a possibility that a regular nendoroid may not happen. It seems Puchi would be considered “low-cost, low-risk, low-demand” types of products, and for market testing, or freebees in LE packaging.
Everyone is wondering the same thing. It would be nice. Danny said he’ll bring it up to GSC.
hrm. Remember your post on Zombie consumerism? Let’s leave it at that. LOL =D I mean, Mirai had a dakimakura cover, some curry and itasha and what not. I doubt she won’t become a nendo (someday) if she already got *that* far. XD
I kinda want her just to get a hold of the accessories (a common thing I want from figmas of characters I’m not really into) but I’m successful at not pre-ordering by impulse so far so I’m skipping, as usual. =D
You’re right. Mirai has quite the library of merchandise as well, which comes as a bit of a surprise to me now that I think about it. She’s really nothing special, with no real backstory, character, or even a series. Then again, I suppose neither does Miku Hatsune.
I’m still on the fence with the Mirai Figma as well. I do like the accessories, but I’ve sworn off Figmas after I got Saber (I said it would be my first and last Figma, and it was.)
Omg that looks amazing!
i wouldnt mind getting…well first figma.. O.o
in which i havent pre ordered..
hahaha careful not to fall into capitalist zombie territory!
This is my first reply. This article attracts me to leave some reply. It’s awesome even it was faked. I’ll buy one if this comes to be a reality. Nice.
Hello, Hom. (you per chance like Atelier Rorona?)
Yeah, I’ll buy it too if it comes out. ^_^
Thanks for reading!
I LOLed. Was like “What? You’re an hacker?!?”
Then I paused and took a closer look at the nendoroid and the hair gave it away it was photoshopped. XD
good job, even i got fooled by it at first sight. awesome PS work! XD
Yes! I’m a hacker! haha.
I really could have done a better job at cleaning up the brush strokes. ^^;
Hacker u r sooo pro in this thing ^^
amused me a lot, now only know this photoshop also can do this thing.
Well, from the character u combined from, I only know Shana and someone name start with K (I think)?? She is from Love + rite??
I also the same with thenewhorde, from the 1st sight, I really thought that how come this Mirai nendoroid leaked already.
Fooled by U!!!! ==
I guess I’m a Photoshop Hacker as opposed to a software hacker. ^^
You’re right, Love Plus. And right on Shana too.
Hopefully this “leak” will become a reality, and she will really look this cute.
That’s I agree. ^^
so you’d be buying then? lol
I wan!!!
But I can’t afford the price somehow.
So pathetic I am…. *sigh*
haha there is no price right now! it’s fake!
Super cute! I’d buy this Nendo if ever they’ll make one like this. ^^ Love the idea of taking various Nendo parts to create her.
lol thanks Xine! I’d probably buy one of these if they made one too!
I might make another “custom nendoroid” sometime in the future. I wonder what would be a good idea…?
How about Mikoto Misaka? I kinda like her ^^ Haven’t seen a Nendo version of her.
THAT is a great idea! I like that. I might make one someday. Thanks!
Good work, I thought it was a legitimate Mirai Nendo. I’m one of the few people that’s not really a fan of Nendoroids, so I probably wouldn’t buy this one if it was released.
Though I am considering getting that Jack Frost one.
Fair enough. I used to not like Nendoroids. But something about them got me totally hooked. hahaha.
Some advice for you – once you start, it’s really hard to stop! (just like Pringles!)
wow, awesome job you did there^^
I thought it was real for a second, when I saw it on^^”
hey thanks! ^^
And glad to see you come over to RadiantDreamer!
It is a cute prototype. I will be waiting.
haha me too. But hopefully not too long. You gonna buy if it comes out?
wow!! thats so cool! i wish i could photo-shop like that. could you please do one of mirai’s sister, haruka?
I might do one in the future.
Aw, had me going there for a bit…nice Photoshop job. XD